For all the convenience e-commerce has brought into our lives, one area that e-commerce will never be as good as conventional retail is that you’ll never be able to tell…
For all the convenience e-commerce has brought into our lives, one area that e-commerce will never be as good as conventional retail is that you’ll never be able to tell…
Humans are born social. No human can live without community. As a human, we have also evolved with tools and now we can’t live without them. That being said, living…
Design may be something relative. Some say it is beautiful, some say it is nothing special. However, creating an image for a brand is something solid. When you are designing…
One of the most important aspects in reaching adulthood is realizing the importance of everything in moderation. It took quite a while for me to realize that those morning headaches…
I have to admit, I am not the overly extroverted type of a person, but I know people would not believe me if I said I am an introverted person…
For the average person, landing that coveted first date might be hard enough. But do you know what is even harder than getting someone to go out on a first…
Autocorrect memes are aplenty on the internet and while I understand that they can be infuriating when you’re texting and the word that came up was grossly different from what…
SEO, SEO, SEO. Oh, in the world of business, you can never get tired of hearing things about SEO. Search engine optimisation, or SEO is a digital marketing effort that…
In a relationship, any kind of relationship, you have to be aware of the simple fact that not every fracture is acute. Small and seemingly insignificant cracks can and do…
The business world keeps developing and improving as time goes by, especially in the food and beverage industry. You might often see some food become the hype in this year,…