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To ensure that their websites and relevant material are found in search engine results, all content marketing teams must become experts in search engine optimisation.

When businesses don’t conduct adequate SEO keyword research, their site content may never get to the target market. To acquire the data they need to enhance their SEO tactics, content teams can employ free keyword research tools. While some tools are only available for free, others feature both free and paid subscription tiers. Although teams who merely require keyword recommendations and keyword volume rankings might benefit from free choices like Google Search Console, Rank Tracker, and AlsoAsked, paid subscription tools can improve SEO efforts.

What makes keyword research crucial?

Conducting keyword research is an essential practice for content teams seeking to uncover the keywords and phrases that consumers in Melbourne use when searching for products, services, and advice. This research helps them identify the search terms that receive high monthly search volume, allowing them to gauge their ranking potential. By leveraging keyword data, content teams can strategically tailor their content strategies to align with the interests and preferences of their target consumers in Melbourne, optimizing their website for search engines with effective Melbourne SEO services.

Because search engines like Google often alter the algorithms that determine how content ranks, businesses should continuously conduct keyword research as part of their marketing initiatives. The road only begins with an organization’s initial SEO strategy for its website or blog. To keep up with algorithm updates, content teams must regularly review and improve the material on websites.

Free tools for SEO keyword research

Many free tools are available online to help content teams obtain the data they need to develop and improve their content and SEO strategy. The following SEO keyword research tools are options for businesses that want to conduct keyword research for free.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console can be used by content teams to start their keyword research and monitor how well their company’s web content does on Google. This free tool examines the keywords that are currently being used on a webpage and displays their average rank on the SERP, impressions, and clicks.

For web and analytics tracking, marketing teams frequently utilise Google Search Console in conjunction with other Google services. Google Search Console can be used by website owners and content producers to find out which pages aren’t getting much traffic and need to be changed. In order for teams to know what subjects to cover in subsequent blog entries, the tool may also reveal which search queries receive the most traffic.

Google Trends

Content teams can see a search term’s popularity over time through the Google Trends interface. Users of this application can look for specific words or compare keywords to see changes in trend, such as those caused by the season, a holiday, or the yearly introduction of new technology. Google Trends, for instance, can reveal when search activity for phrases associated with Mother’s Day starts to rise or fall if a company sells a lot of Mother’s Day merchandise.

Additionally, this tool categorises interest by time period, displays similar topics, and displays search terms.

Google Ads Keyword Planner

The Google Ads Keyword Planner tool can aid in separating a targeted keyword list between SEO and PPC targeting for marketing teams who manage pay-per-click search campaigns. Additionally, this tool displays keyword ideas and search volumes that can provide information for designing campaigns. It also presents a breakdown of data related to cost per click, advertising competitiveness, and seasonal traffic variations in one location.

The most advantageous usage of this tool is for teams who currently run PPC campaigns because they can leverage the search volume function. Organisations must spend a particular amount of money on their paid Google Ad campaigns in order to receive the most in-depth analytic tools for paid ads, as opposed to simple search volume ranges.

Rank Tracker

The best keywords for businesses to rank for aren’t usually the most obvious ones. Even while some words and phrases may be unique to certain businesses, services, or sectors, people may still use versions of those words and phrases when searching.

Organisations need to be aware of all the variants of potential keywords and phrases in order to identify effective keywords or phrases for search ranking viability. In order to provide users with a wide variety of keyword ideas, Rank Tracker, a free SEO keyword research tool, integrates 23 keyword tools into one. This tool may display a keyword’s potential for traffic as well as its SEO competitiveness.


This tool can assist businesses in learning what enquiries customers are making regarding their keywords and related keywords. People are increasingly doing searches using natural language, such as formal questions, as search engines grow more intelligent. Organisations might benefit from using AlsoAsked to better understand the queries associated with specific keywords. Finding search terms, planning content, and getting the appropriate information in front of potential customers are also helpful.

Additionally, this tool shows the connections between these subjects and queries as well as results for long-tail keywords, which are more precise phrases that build on shorter keywords.

Keyword Surfer

Google Chrome’s free Keyword Surfer plugin analyses search results right on the SERP. This add-on seeks to estimate the amount of searches for a specific keyword in the Google database, which contains outcomes from 19 different nations. Users can view worldwide estimates, results specific to their country, and the top 10 related phrases in the search results within the SERP and search bar.