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You may do several things to improve your Google rankings. However, it’s crucial to master the fundamentals first. To put it another way, you should ensure that your website complies with current SEO best practises.

What Are the Best Practices for SEO?

Best practises for SEO are actions that can be taken to raise a website’s rankings. On-site optimisation, keyword research, and link building are some typical best practises for search engine optimisation.

In actuality, only 63% of people who use Google to search ever click on a result from the second page of results. Which is why having a high Google ranking is so important. The best way to present yourself is to adhere to SEO best practises.

Here are the top 5 tips from our SEO services expert that you should know!


Match Your Content to Search Intent

Every search query is driven by search intent, often known as “user intent.” Google’s first aim is to comprehend and fulfil users’ search intentions. All of the web pages that appear on page one have passed Google’s criteria for search intent.

Four common forms of search intent are as follows:

  • Educational: when a person wants to learn more about something
  • Navigational: when someone needs to find a particular webpage or website
  • Commercial: when a potential customer wants to learn more before buying
  • Transactional: when someone intends to finish a task or make a purchase


Make your title tags and meta descriptions compelling

Two of the most significant meta tags on your page are the page title and meta description.


  • Title Tags

In SERPs, title tags are clickable headlines (search engine results pages). They let Google know what the subject of your page is. And they are essential in terms of SEO. Giving users a short look into the content of a result depends heavily on title tags. Including why it relates to their enquiry. Searchers frequently utilise it as their main source of information when choosing which result to click on. Therefore, it’s crucial to have intriguing names on your website. In general, title tags should be between 50 and 60 characters. This will prevent word breaks on desktop or mobile SERPs.


  • Meta Descriptions

A page’s content can be summarised using a meta description tag. It frequently appears on the SERP below the page’s title and URL. In general, meta descriptions should provide viewers with information and interest by providing a succinct, pertinent overview of the page’s content. They operate as a sales pitch, persuading a searcher that the page is precisely what they are looking for. Meta descriptions are often cut off by Google at 155–160 characters.


Improve User Experience 

Google closely monitors how users interact with pages. User experience (UX) is crucial in boosting search rankings as a result. Page speed is crucial for enhancing user experience. But it’s only a beginning.

Here are a few additional SEO ideas to make sure users enjoy their time on your website:

  • Use headers and subheadings: When used correctly, headers and subheadings (H1, H2, and H3) improve both reader accessibility and Google’s understanding of your material.
  • Make your material visually appealing: Visuals aid in reader comprehension. To make your point, use relevant screenshots, videos, and photographs.
  • Steer clear of using invasive pop-ups; they irritate site users. Use them cautiously as Google has devalued websites that employ annoying pop-ups since 2017.
  • Make use of white space: A successful design must have white space. The Interaction Design Foundation asserts that white space enhances concentration, branding, and legibility.
  • Make your website mobile-friendly: Due to Google’s adoption of mobile-first indexing, mobile-friendliness is essential for UX. You may check how well your site performs using Google’s mobile-friendly test.


Create Useful Content 

You may improve your Google ranking by creating and publishing unique, helpful content. This isn’t about the length of the content. That is unimportant. Instead, make an effort to address complex issues, provide insights from your data, and dispel myths.

Finding themes that are popular in your business is a wonderful tactic. then produce content with fresh perspectives, information, and angles.


Build an Internal Linking Structure

Internal links are crucial because they provide a hierarchy of information on your page. And assist Google in comprehending the information on your page. Internal links may be able to improve your results when implemented properly. Internal linking from high-ranking pages on your website to pages that want improvement is a smart strategy for SEO.

Typically, this entails linking previously successful pages to more recent ones. Older pages typically have more credibility. You can use it as a convenient shortcut to employ internal links without having to review each page on your website individually. Despite this, you should continue to watch out for broken internal links. They can hurt your SEO efforts.