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SEO and brand recognition should complement one other. Although search engine optimisation is mostly used to produce organic traffic, this tactic also helps to build brands and raise consumer awareness of them.

What does an SEO strategy aim to accomplish? The solution is straightforward for many Melbourne SEO services professionals: increase organic traffic. After all, ranking the website first in Google Search results will result in clicks from the vast majority of people, who almost ever go past the first page of results.

But have you ever given it a second thought that brand recognition and SEO are also a perfect match? The brand gains visibility, authority, and interaction thanks to Google’s top page, which boosts its marketability. This can be worth far more than clicks, depending on the goals of the organisation.

So how precisely do brand awareness and Google rankings connect to one another?


Social Signals

The cumulative number of shares, likes, and general visibility of a website’s social media presence are referred to as social signals. Social signals are another widely theorised feature that may or may not be a direct ranking factor for Google’s algorithm. The information on social media, according to many marketers, is regularly indexed and has a direct influence on search engine results. Google, meanwhile, has refuted the claim that social signals affect rankings. Whether or not Google explicitly relies on the data, social signals have a strong correlation with brand recognition and customer engagement.



Unquestionably, links play a significant role in brand development and authority in SERPs. The brand of a business will often connect with good, white-hat, sustainable earned backlinks. Links are unquestionably one of the most essential ranking signals for Google, if not the most important ranking signal overall. In a minute, we’ll take a deeper look at the relationship between link building and brand building.


User Behaviour

Google strives to offer every user a continually improved search experience. Google may evaluate user and use data online to assess how useful and effective a user’s experience is. Google can discover user patterns by continuously monitoring and basing its choices on how people interact with search results. This information is then used to determine ranks and visibility. This is where brand awareness and Google rankings may be closely related: if users consistently engage with a certain branded term, website, or search result, Google will notice these trends and alter its ranking accordingly.

Google may notice that customers are consistently looking for a specific brand’s goods and use that data to decide where to rank the product, the brand, or both. It holds true for click-through rate as well. We have a good feeling that Google looks at CTR to choose the order in which websites display search results. Your chances of outranking your rivals will grow if your brand is getting plenty of clicks.

You may improve your rankings and increase brand awareness online by optimising key aspects of your website for search. Increase website traffic by converting visitors into leads and engaged customers.


Incorporate a link-building strategy.

Backlinks are one of the top three Google ranking indicators, however 66.31% of web sites lack even a single backlink, according to Ahrefs. Ahrefs also discovered a relationship between website traffic and backlinks. A page obtains more monthly organic search traffic from Google the more backlinks it has.

Implement a quality link-building approach to improve your Google rankings and raise your brand’s visibility online. Here are some strategies to get you going in the right direction:

  • Speak with people in your niche area or business and provide them with useful materials.
  • Request others to guest write on your website if they have an established online presence in a comparable area and submit guest blog articles to relevant websites with links to their sites.
  • Repair any broken links on your website as well as any other websites that link to it.
  • Look for online mentions of your brand, then ask for a backlink.
  • Create compelling content that users want to share.
  • Encourage social media mentions of you.


Identify relevant keywords.

Every effective SEO strategy must include keyword optimisation for your content. To engage customers in discussion and meet them where they are in the buying process, it might be helpful to identify pertinent phrases and longtail keywords.

Another type of social proof is to be towards the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) for particular keyphrases. In other words, since organic rankings are often more seen as trustworthy than sponsored adverts, it might increase your reliability and dependability in the eyes of customers.

Always remember to customize your content for search intent (or user intent). When users enter certain phrases into search engines, provide them with the results they expect to see. This will increase conversion rates and retain visitors on your website longer. To fulfil intent, concentrate on keywords that are navigational, transactional, informative, and commercial. Additionally, remember to focus on branded search phrases in addition to sector-specific keywords.

The following on-page components can be enhanced with target keywords to help you increase brand familiarity and exposure:

  • Page title
  • Headers and subheaders
  • Meta description
  • Body paragraphs
  • Image alt text
  • Image file names


Target your core audience.

Who is your main target market? Targeting those who are most interested in what you have to offer can help you successfully increase brand recognition. Fish where the fish are.

Google refers to them as “micro-moments,” which emphasise the importance of satisfying search intent and providing a smooth online experience for your primary audience. By providing helpful information on pertinent subjects and including keywords for your particular niche, you may establish connections with the appropriate individuals and attract them to your company.


Use content marketing.

One of the best methods to improve your website’s search engine rankings, develop brand recognition, and draw quality leads to your website is to frequently publish high-quality, helpful content. Content marketing may help you increase brand recognition, educate customers, and spread the word about your goods and services.

Concentrate on providing your audience with what they require in order to provide the groundwork for amazing content. This might be responding to frequently asked questions, providing original viewpoints on business-related subjects, or creating articles that readers can’t wait to read.

Content marketing is more than just blog articles and case studies. To engage your audience, you may produce anything from e-books and infographics to films, podcasts, webinars, and other creative works.


Utilize local SEO.

Local SEO may assist you in optimising your web presence to acquire traction in your neighbourhood whether you own a small business or want to build brand awareness locally. To start appearing for local searches, localise your content by concentrating on the search intent of individuals nearby.

To optimize your website for local search, follow these steps:

  • Produce consistent positive local reviews to increase your trustworthiness. (Nearly 90% of shoppers worldwide attempt to read internet reviews before making a purchase.)
  • Establish and properly optimise a Google My Business (GMB) account, and often upload new text and photos.
  • Make your website voice search-friendly.
  • Check that your website is responsive to mobile devices and that the target page is pertinent to the local queries you’re attempting to rank for in Google Maps (GMB).
  • Build content covering local events and topics.
  • Update your website with localised content and keywords.
  • Include a listing for your company in online NAP (Name, Address, Phone) directories.

When increasing brand recognition is your main priority, improve your website to attract visitors at the top of your sales funnel (in the awareness stage). Put your attention on introducing your brand to recent visitors or potential clients. You may start developing trust and achieving the desired brand awareness by keeping your material fresh, educational, high-quality, and relevant to users throughout this early period.