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It’s essential to have a clear, user-friendly website no matter what kind of business you run. Your company website not only acts as the online hub for your company and product line, but also acts as the foundation for your whole digital marketing strategy, providing a focal point for connecting customers to your brand and company. Poor website performance can thwart these attempts and break these ties before they even begin.

Let’s have a look at 5 design tips from our web designer that can assist assure the success of your website in 2022.

Consistent Branding

The value and significance of developing a strong brand identity have been discussed. As the cornerstone of your company, your brand has to be maintained consistently throughout all of your consumer touchpoints. Included in that is your website.

Consistency should be maintained in your iconography, colour scheme, and logo. The same applies to your brand’s tone of voice and essential messages. Your website should consistently uphold your value proposition, aesthetics, and tone.

Be careful to build on the foundation you established when developing your brand. Consistency will support your marketing initiatives and contribute to the development of brand equity.

Make Each Page Mobile-Friendly

These days, you can’t make a list of advice for site design without include mobile optimisation towards the top. Why? Because in 2022, mobile is important. So much so that over 80% of users claim that a mobile-friendly website increases the likelihood that they will visit it again or recommend it to others. Your company is missing a simple opportunity to encourage return visitors and promote your brand if your web designer isn’t focused on creating a nice and responsive website for mobile.

Consumers are increasingly adopting mobile devices to look up and explore businesses online. If your web pages don’t load properly or your website isn’t optimised for mobile devices, potential clients will probably leave your site and business quickly in favour of rivals operating in the same niche. The more mobile difficulties you have, the more damage they do to your brand, reputation, and bottom line. They also make it much more difficult to bring in new customers.

Intuitive Navigation

Your website can provide your visitors a solution to challenging issues or access to a wealth of useful information. It shouldn’t, however, resemble a treasure hunt. Users should be able to easily navigate through your material with the use of clear, apparent buttons.

There are several ways to do this, including:

  • Use straightforward phrases like “About,” “Services,” and “Contact” in your navigation. Avoid using unusual terminology only for the purpose of being unique since it could make your users confused.
  • Tailor your navigation to your content. If you have a website with little material, you might just require a few navigation links. You might require more intricate navigation for stuff that is heavier. When there is a lot of content accessible, descriptive mega menus provide your customers with a direct route to obtain the information they want.
  • Breadcrumbs: Breadcrumbs track and display where a user is on a website. They let a user easily return to a previous page by retracing their steps. Breadcrumbs are especially useful for content-heavy websites and ecommerce shops.

Users will have an engaging experience on your website and a clear route to conversion if you make it simple for them to browse.

Clean Design

Your website needs to be simple to scan and your material ought to be readable. Being aware of your user’s cognitive load is a smart practise. Avoid bombarding viewers with a cacophony of colours, pictures, and copy. Make your website simple and engaging for them instead, with simple design and just meaningful information.

To do this, creating a visual hierarchy is one method. It is the ranking of the relevance of each website’s design aspects. For instance, a huge, contrasting-colored headline that is in the centre of the page immediately conveys greater importance than one that is smaller, less distinctively coloured, or offset.

Utilizing white space wisely is also crucial. The “negative” space between paragraphs, layout elements, and graphic elements is known as white space. By designing with white space in mind, you may create material that is easy to skim, digest, and look at.

Monitor Site Speed

Site speed is a crucial component of any website’s overall user experience. A sluggish website does more than simply irritate your visitors. Since customers frequently leave a sluggish site, it may have serious repercussions for your business. Making ensuring your website is quick is important if you want to be seen online since Google takes site speed into account when deciding your search ranking.

A variety of free tools, such Pingdom and Website Audit, may provide you site performance indicators right now. They track important performance factors including image compression, page size, and load time.

A website with many design features will load more slowly than a website with fewer elements. Examples include various fonts and font sizes. Your website may load more slowly if you need to load a library or animation framework. It’s crucial to carefully analyse each design component to avoid excessively slowing down your website.