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Ecommerce SEO is the practice of increasing the visibility of your online store in search engine results pages (SERPs). You want to rank as high as possible when people search for the things you sell so you can obtain more visitors.

Based on our experience as Melbourne SEO services experts, we agree that paid search also generate traffic to your ecommerce site, but SEO costs much less. Furthermore, because ad blockers might limit the efficiency of sponsored search, you should optimize for search anyway.

For search and user experience, ecommerce SEO mainly include improving your headlines, product descriptions, meta data, internal link structure, and navigational structure. Each product you offer should have its own page tailored to attract search engine visitors.

It’s an excellent start if you’re already investing in SEO. However, search engines are always evolving. Because 93 percent of all online sales begin with a search engine query, you must keep on top of eCommerce SEO trends. Stand out in 2022 by following these five eCommerce SEO suggestions.

Optimize Load Time

To keep your potential customers engaged, you need to make your product’s webpage as appealing as possible. The thing that keeps your traffic moving, aside from a nice UI, is loading time. We’re all a little impatient these days; we want things to load quickly and don’t want to be kept waiting for more than a few seconds for a page to load.

Because of their lengthy loading times, most eCommerce websites lose clients. Waiting for a consumer might be aggravating and drive them away, therefore a faster loading time is preferable. There are a few things you can do to speed up the loading of your page:

  • Your e-store should be hosted on a strong webhosting platform. Some hosting companies provide eCommerce-specific solutions that can drastically reduce the time it takes for your website to load.
  • Compress your photographs using the newest image formats, such as WebP.
  • On your e-store, only use trusted themes, plugins, and tools.
  • Make your website’s cookie size smaller. The more data kept in cookies, the longer it will take for the website to load.
  • Compress and minify the files on your website.
  • Make use of a content delivery network (CDN).

Improve Your Site’s Security

Is your website protected by an SSL certificate? If you don’t, every time a consumer hits your business, search engines will display a “website is not secure” message. When a consumer sees this notice, there’s a strong possibility they’ll leave right away, thus it’s critical to protect your site with an SSL certificate.

SSL certificates are useful for increasing buyer trust, as well as improving search engine ranks. It’s a crucial trust indicator that search engines like Google use to validate the legitimacy of your company.

Whether you don’t already have an SSL certificate, ask your website server if you can acquire one for free or at a cheap fee.

Website Architecture

Your website is driven solely by its external appearance. Your website should be clear, uncomplicated, and easy to navigate. Creating an appealing, user-friendly website may boost your website’s popularity dramatically.

Pay special attention to the user experience if you want to maintain your website current. The simpler something is to use, the less time it will take your clients to navigate the site. Important pages should be added to the navigation menu so that people can simply discover and access them. A well-designed website architecture aids in both improving the consumer experience for your visitors and SEO.

Optimize product pages

Product pages are some of of your eCommerce website’s most significant pages. Conversion rate optimization, or CRO, is critical since these pages must sell for you.

Because search engines track user behavior, optimizing for conversions benefits your search engine results as well. Make sure you’re keeping track of the performance of each product page. You should make adjustments to your product pages based on this information, including: 

  • Improvements to product descriptions: Are your product descriptions informative, fascinating, and engaging? Focus on the product’s advantages and value to the customer. Add a few short bullet points towards the top of the page to give them a fast overview of the item. You may engage a copywriter to give these descriptions more personality while also optimizing the wording for SEO.
  • Keyword optimizations: Check each page’s meta description, picture alt tags, and title tags for your desired keywords. However, go through the content to make sure you’re not keyword-stuffing. To a human consumer, it should still read organically.
  • Include multimedia: Online customers won’t be able to touch your product in person. Including photos and videos improves SEO results by making it simpler for customers to convert.

Make one update to your product page and do a split test if you’re unsure. The performance of the page will reveal which option was the most effective, allowing you to gradually enhance your conversions and SEO rankings.

Use Schema Markup

One of the most effective strategies to increase your SEO is to use schema markup. Schema markup is a type of markup that helps search engines understand what your website is about by using semantic language.

It’s a piece of code that tells search engines what your website has to offer to its visitors. Search engines can use schema markup to better categorize your website based on keywords. Search engines can help you more effectively if you use their language.