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We recognize that there are other excellent alternatives for Melbourne web developers that interested in learning more about mobile development, but for 2022, we’re staying with Google’s Flutter. And we’ll explain why!

Flutter has revolutionized how professional development teams, individual developers, small companies, and start-ups work together to create native apps for mobile, web, and desktop using a single codebase. According to a recent poll, Flutter is the most popular framework for creating cross-platform apps, with a market share of 42%. Flutter is used by almost half a million developers per month, according to Google.

What is it about Flutter that makes it so popular?

  • Flutter is not only open-source, but it is also Google-developed. Flutter has a large community, and it’s easy to receive answers to your questions, allowing for rapid growth.
  • Flutter programmers benefit from a single code base since they can write code once and it will function on both Android and iOS. This cuts down on the time and expense of development.
  • The hot reload functionality, which allows both developers and designers to view changes as they are made, is one of Flutter’s main selling points.
  • Flutter makes use of the Dart programming language, which offers a number of advantages and is simple to learn and comprehend.
  • Flutter apps offer a similar performance to native apps because Dart compiles into native code.

Here are seven reasons why Flutter is the ideal platform for developing an app.

Designs that are both impressive and personalized

As part of the app design and development process, Flutter allows you to create basic widgets or customize existing widgets. As a result, developers may create more complex programs with less work.

Has Google as Its Base

Flutter is a fantastic Google SDK for creating sophisticated native built apps that can be used on desktop, web, and mobile platforms from a single codebase. With Flutter, Google has promised a better user experience. Furthermore, Google has guaranteed that its technology is well-received by both enterprises and developers.

This is ideal for the MVP

You may rely on flutter as a framework whether you’re a developing agency that needs an MVP or only need one to show to potential investors. This follows the MVP model, which necessitates minimal time and effort as well as a low cost for flutter app development.

Rapid development

One of the important features of Flutter, as previously noted, is the Hot Reload functionality, which allows developers and designers to see changes right away. This aids in the growth of the child. Unlike React Native, Flutter provides widget-based Ul design, allowing for quick cross-platform app development.

Supported by Visual Studio Code and Android Studio

Flutter is available in a number of IDEs. VS Code and Android Studio are two popular code editors. To get started with integration, download the dart plug-in and flutter. VS Code is a lightweight editor that allows you to customize everything using a marketplace plug-in.

Less testing is required

Flutter for mobile app development requires less testing from developers. This is because, because there is just one codebase, they only need to develop automation tests once. As testing gets more efficient, the amount of time spent on marketing decreases.

Documentation that is open and transparent

Flutter’s comprehensive and easy-to-understand documentation makes it a popular choice among cross-platform developers. Flutter is sleek and intelligent, and it doesn’t need any additional work on the part of flutter developers to master the language.

Final Thoughts

With Flutter, the possibilities are nearly limitless. As proved not only by us but also by some of the market’s major companies, developing apps using Flutter may help your business. Flutter, in our opinion, is a particularly viable option in the following situations.

  • When you require an Android and iOS app with the greatest UI, a smooth user experience, and speedy results.
  • When it comes to developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for a startup.
  • If you want to get your mobile app on the market quickly.

If you’re going to create mobile apps and haven’t tried Flutter yet, we strongly advise you to do so since we’re confident you’ll fall in love with it as well.