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A web design projects sometimes begin with a little of wireframe overload. Creating hundreds of wireframes to show a customer at the beginning isn’t always a good idea; it may be downright daunting. Wireframing, like many other parts of design, is an art in which less is often more.

Here’s how to wireframe more successfully, as well as an estimate of how many wireframes you’ll need.

The number of wireframes required at the beginning of a web design project is determined by the scope and complexity of the project. Wireframes are typically less common on smaller sites than they are on bigger sites. However, this isn’t always the case.

The sitemap is usually the best measure of how many wireframes a website has. What is the structure of the website? How many layers or types of pages are required to convey the message?

Then there’s this: At the wireframe stage, most clients can “see” the design. They won’t understand what hundreds of outlines signify unless the substance is filled in. So, in this case, less is absolutely more. Use a few wireframes to establish fundamental organizational “rules” for the site so that clients can get a sense of the design idea.

Begin by creating a website sitemap and outline.

The first step in answering our title question is to organize website material. This occurs before the design has even begun to take shape.

Create a site map that includes all of the website’s pages and subpages. From top-level pages to secondary pages to sub-pages, store products, or blog articles, categorize them in a way that indicates how they will be aesthetically ordered.

Naturally, you’ll see groups of similar content-type pages that provide as a rough blueprint for many of the wireframes.

You may still believe you need a dozen or more wireframes at this point (depending on the website), but don’t panic; you can reduce that number.

Think Modular

Think modularly to go from a lot of wireframes to a few.

Consider modular sections that you may use and reuse on several pages instead of detailing the full project page by page. (Wireframing is done in a mix-and-match fashion.)

This notion will not only save you time, but it will also provide you with a set of replicating and reusable sections that you may utilize across several pages. When the site is finished, this will assist build uniformity and patterns in the design, making it easier for people to engage with it.

Another advantage? Clients will have less opportunities to envision on their own. Clients may be able to better comprehend your general design concept with a thorough explanation (and maybe a few high-fidelity wireframes).

Every website should have 5 wireframes.

What precisely do you need if you want to reduce the amount of wireframes you develop for a project?

Start with five basic wireframes to get a decent visual overview of everything you’ll need for the entire site structure. Remember to think about modular sections so that you may mix and match pieces to create wireframes (and pages) that are faster and easier to construct.


The wireframe should feature a complete design of the homepage, including navigation and a footer, as well as all of the page’s important parts.

For some customers, having a high-fidelity wireframe of the home page is the deciding factor in moving a concept forward to the final phases of design. Consider producing two to three hi-fi choices so that clients can see exactly where the project is headed.

These wireframes should give you enough confidence to move on with a real – and fairly visible – design strategy for your project.

Mobile Homepage

Having the same high-fidelity wireframe of the mobile homepage is vital at a time when more consumers are likely to view a website on a phone than not. Each high-resolution wireframe should have a mobile counterpart that shows how pieces will stack and reorganize on smaller devices.

You should also make a note of any differences in interactions, such as tapping or swiping vs clicking, to confirm that you’re receiving the proper functionality.

Secondary (Top-Level Navigation) Page

What are the first things that come to mind when you visit the homepage? For that page kind, you’ll need a wireframe.

This is where modular thinking really shines. Create a single wireframe with all of the pieces you’ll need here, and consider how you’ll be able to remove portions you don’t need from the secondary pages.

This can save time and effort by not having to recreate wireframes with small content changes.

Shop or Blog Page

Finally, consider the website’s objective. The majority of them fall within the informational or e-commerce categories. Create a wireframe for that page type.

The whole index (a display of goods or blog articles) and a detail page are sometimes included in these wireframes (single item or blog post).

Contact or About Page

A contact us or about us page may be found on almost any website. (There are several websites that contain both.) Create wireframes for one or both of these page types ahead of time, as this is likely to be one of the most-visited and crucial parts of any website.

Additional Wireframes for Larger Sites

Some website designs may have even more complicated requirements, requiring the use of extra wireframes.

It’s most likely something you can incorporate later in the design process. Start with the basic wireframes mentioned in the previous section for client approval before moving on to the design phase. Then go through any remaining wireframes.

You can make them all at once, but viewing and digesting a handful of wireframes might be overwhelming for most customers. It’s not a good idea to attempt to cram a complete site’s worth of outlines onto them all at once. (It can lead to rushed acceptance, even if it’s not what they want, and ultimately ruin a project.)

Other wireframes you might include:

  • User login or preferences
  • Services or pricing pages
  • Special pages for unique elements such as reservations, menus, photo galleries etc.
  • E-commerce detail pages such as checkout or additional items
  • Email newsletter or signup pages


Because projects vary so much, there is no magic number for the amount of wireframes you’ll require. However, you may start with a few functional wireframes to help you and your clients picture projects and get them moving in the correct direction.

The key is to avoid getting tangled up in the wireframing weeds. It’s simple to constantly developing wireframes; it’s far more difficult to transform all of those distinct components into working web pages.

The key is to conceive in modular and orderly ways, which will allow you to generate only the wireframes you require. Don’t worry; if you need another wireframe later, you’ll have the tools you need to get it done quickly.