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What are HTML Image Tags and How to Use Them?

Images should appear rapidly when you load a site. Humans are visual beings that enjoy looking at vivid visuals on websites. They catch our notice and captivate our gaze.

Image tags, a sort of code that informs the website’s server where to locate images, how to load them, and what to do with them once they’ve been loaded, prompt the pictures. Because pictures are not really incorporated in a page, image tags contain instructions on how to display them. Depending on the code or image tag used, images are files that are retrieved and displayed on the website. When the picture loads, the code might modify its properties or functionality.

In an image tags you can find several attributes but there are two main attributes are

  • SRC Attribute. The source (SRC) attribute creates a path to the image file. A ‘broken image’ symbol will appear on the website if the link is broken, the file has been relocated, or there is an error in the code.
  • Attribute ALT. If an image can’t or won’t load, the ALT property gives alternative text. People with low eyesight might benefit from alt text. Text-to-speech software can inform the viewer about the image being presented. This attribute is particularly important for SEO services providers because it also improves SEO rankings.

The Importance of HTML Image Tags and How to Use Them

A page’s visual aspects enhance the user experience. People will remain longer on a page that appears appealing, and Google will notice. The picture is anchored by image tags, which make it appear in connection to other items on the page. Picture tags may be used to customize the appearance of an image and optimize it for both search engine bots and people. The tags you employ have an influence on page load times, which can impair the user experience on your website. These image tag codes are supported by all contemporary browsers, therefore it doesn’t matter which browsers you or your guests use. For an uniform experience across all browsers, image tags should be used.

When Should HTML Image Tags Be Used?

When the picture is part of the content rather than the page design, you use an image tag. You wouldn’t use an image tag in the code if you had a page template that includes an image of your logo or anything similar. A template with artwork that is consistent across your website is required. Your website would load the image-containing template, and you would then add your content to that page. The image tag indicates where and how the picture will be utilized in the content.

How does the Site Audit Tool detect errors with HTML Image Tags?

The site audit tool can determine whether or not the links are still valid or have been broken. It’s now easier than ever to fix image issues, fix broken image links, and enhance your website’s user experience.

The following are three major concerns that might develop when it comes to images:

  • Picture can’t be found: You’ll have to track down the image or its code and adjust the source URL.
  • The picture has been removed: Replace the picture with a new one, and the URL should be updated.
  • There is no longer a requirement for an image: Remove the picture as well as the code from your web page.

Important Points to Remember

  • Image tags are used to improve the look and feel of your website, as well as the user experience and SEO.
  • Always preview your website after making changes to ensure that any characteristics you add to the image code do not cause the picture or your website to fail.
  • Use a site auditing tool to double-check that your image code is correct and that your images can be found and seen.