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The footer is one of the most critical but often forgotten part when creating a web design. Yes, I’m serious. It may not have the best interface or the most insightful content, but it is a popular place for users to search for details. As a consequence, it’s crucial that you don’t forget this factor when planning a web design project.

But what elements should you include? How do you keep the footer ordered and aligned with the rest of the site’s architecture without being intrusive? You have arrived at the right place. We’ll go through some ideas for making a better footer that you could use for your website!

Keep It Simple

Ok, this is one of the most important aspects of most design projects, but it is worth noting straight away. When dealing with a lot of details, as a footer would most likely be, a simple design is necessary. Keep it easy with clean components, lots of space, and careful organisation. Consider what things would stay in your footer and why they should be there to prevent clutter. The size of your website’s footer is also determined by the amount of information and the number of pages it includes.

Link to Your Information

The “About Us” and “Contact Us” pages are two of the most critical links in any website footer. Users would be curious about who you are and what your business or brand stands for. Made it simple to locate the details. Most people would like to know who is on the team and how to contact them. (This is a critical tool. Many people misplace their business cards, so they’ll go to your website to look up their contact information.)

Organize Those Links

The use of groupings for footer objects, can help to arrange links and information. Consider having contact, links, services, social media, and sections from your most popular sites in multiple columns (or rows). Place each segment under a header such that each part is easily visible and available.

Show Basic Contact Information

While a full “About Us” page should be linked to, having specific contact details in the footer is also a nice feature. Include your primary phone number, email address, and mailing address. (Bonus points if you set up each element so that when you press it, it automatically dials, emails, or opens a map.)

Include a Call to Action

Give users something to do when they’re in your footer after they’ve landed. Have a box where they can sign up for an e-newsletter or be invited to join you on social media. Don’t underestimate the importance of this area in terms of converting clicks.

Create a Sense of Hierarchy

A footer, like the rest of the website, should be structured in a hierarchical manner. There are two parts of this style. The footer should be positioned at the bottom of the site’s overall hierarchy. (After all, that’s where it’s kept.) Inside its “shell,” the footer should also have a hierarchy of components. The most critical elements (typically contact information, a call to action, or a site map) should take center stage. The copyright notice, for example, is often the smallest of size.

Pay attention to Contrast and Readability

The information in the footer is usually very brief. This necessarily involves careful consideration of colour, weight, and comparison between text and background objects. Any single word must be readable. Think using basic typefaces (medium-weight sans serifs are nice) and a little more leading than you usually would. Choose colors that have a lot of contrast, whether a bright background with black text or a dark background with white text. Variable shades and ornate typefaces can be avoided.


A website’s footer will show a lot about it. It informs visitors of who you are, what they can do, and how to use your website. It also highlights nuanced facets of the design skills, such as attention to detail and the ability to work in confined spaces.

The footer is a key component of the architecture. Keep an eye on it. To make the most of the lowermost room in any web design project, make sure to have the right combination of content, design elements, and usability.