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In our opinion, and we are sure many web designers will agree with us that landing page is the most important part off a website. It is the first thing that appear in front of your users when they come to visit your site. And just like any other interaction, first impression matter! In this article, we will discuss 11 things you should do to make that great first impression. Let’s start!

Don’t abuse negative space

Designers adore negative space, and we’re constantly told that we need more of it on the internet. But when there is too much negative space between elements that should be linked, the eye stutters and falls into empty voids instead of easily flowing over them.

Use a colour overlay on images with text

You’ll have to deal with some bad pictures from time to time. By overlaying the brand color at a semi-opaque setting, you can use them more as a background texture rather than a main focal element. This will provide enough contrast to make the overlaid text readable.

Nobody enjoys reading small text.

Use modern fonts built for screens and start body copy at 18–20px instead of the browser default of 16px.

No one likes a word salad

Anyone who has looked at website analytics knows that you just have a few seconds to get someone’s attention. Get straight to the point.

Use letter spacing moderately

There are a variety of ways to use letter spacing to enhance typography, but if you’re not a typographer, stick to only adding a little letter spacing to your all-caps titles if you’re not an expert. Extra letter spacing in sentence case text can cause readability issues as well as disrupt the natural rhythm of a typeface’s design.

Even layouts of text should be visually attractive

The text can only be hard to draw parts of the landing page, particularly if you are unable to use picture, iconography or photography or other resources. Look at the colors of your brand and typographical information to help boost your design quickly.

Control your cognitive overload

Wherever possible, combine and reduce your points. Use negative space to construct a calmer experience when you have a lot to say, and use contrast in size between titles and copy to boost the visual hierarchy.

Apply the rule of odds

With an odd number of elements, layouts have more effect. If you have four points to make, see if you can say the same thing in three by adding two of them. If this isn’t an option, prioritize your points and exclude the weakest.

In FAQs, keep track of your line lengths

The FAQ segment is probably the worst problem when it comes to excessive line lengths on the site. The ideal line length, including spaces and punctuation, is 45 to 75 characters.

As an accent, use bold colours

Using bright colors in wide areas can cause contrast problems, potentially causing the text to fail basic accessibility requirements. You should also avoid using white text on smaller elements like buttons.

Always check the contrast of grey text

The use of grey text to establish hierarchy between text elements is a common technique. However, this often results in severe usability problems due to insufficient contrast in the text. If you need to create a clearer visual hierarchy, use an online tool to check contrast and increase contrast in font sizing.