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Instead of using personal computers, users are increasingly using mobile devices to interact with websites. And it appears that the this amount is increasing on a regular basis.

This has far-reaching consequences for both web designers and developers. To satisfy this demand, you must create effective responsive websites or applications. Today, we’ll look at eight guidelines to keep in mind when creating a responsive experience (whether for a website or an app).

Keep the design as clean as possible

Decluttering a responsive website or app design is the easiest way to make the most of it. Don’t overcrowd the design with choices or keys. Any of which just leads to confusion. There are a couple of easy ways to do this:

Streamline the information: Pays particular attention to the information that the customer requires in order to communicate with the website or application. Use a sequence of screens or steps to present this information in a sequential order. On small screens, cramming everything on the computer at once can be daunting. Just use interface elements that are essential for the design’s purpose. Why bother with buttons with options that aren’t being used?

Use Simple Language

The words you use will have a significant effect on the usability of a responsive website or app. Visually and cognitively, an efficient design requires vocabulary that is simple to read and understand.

Try not to be too cute with language or items that consumers must comprehend. Provide instructions that are plain, straightforward, and to the point. Avoid using technical words or ambiguous terms. Then move it to the next stage. To help provide more emphasis and interpretation of text elements, use clean, simple typography.

Cognitive understanding (a user understands precisely what the words mean or what action is implied) and visually understanding (every word is clear and easy to read on the screen) are two parts of understanding and readability.

This involves writing in an understandable manner, selecting a readable font, and providing lots of visual context between the backdrop and the text so that it all blends together in a way that users can understand.

Create Buttons That Are Obvious and Easy

Sometimes, designers have a tendency to overthink the obvious in order to make something fresh and exciting. A button should look like one. No need to reinvent the wheel here. Don’t get too ambitious to come up with a new way to complete tasks. Create buttons that have the appearance and functionality of buttons. Stick to the most familiar use habits and features.

If users have to think too hard – or at all – on how to interact with a responsive website or app design, they are more likely to abandon it and move on to another alternative.

Create Bit-Sized Tasks

Completing a form is one of the most common tasks on apps. So we’ll use it as an example to consider ways to make acts digestible. Consider a checkout screen after you’ve added something to your online shopping cart. So, what comes next?

Is there a long screen with a plethora of fields to complete (some of which are very small)? Is the interaction going to start with a simple question that you can answer on one screen?

I believe you are more likely to complete the latter method. The majority of consumers are as well. People are more likely to give details and proceed to the checkout if the form seems to be easy (or other desired action). 

Be Mindful of Errors

Everything could go horribly wrong. It’s not a big deal if you’re prepared.

Users can tap an unexpected combination of components, copy an unusual URL, lose their internet connection, or do something else entirely unexpected. When things go wrong, provide as much info as possible so that users can get back on track quickly.

When generating error messages, attempt to clarify what went wrong and why – for example, “no internet access” – as well as how to address the problem. Both pieces of information, as well as a connection to the solution, can be shown on a single screen (when appropriate).