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Minimalism is the philosophy that embodies the expression ‘less is more.’ It is also an idea that crosses our lives in multiple ways: it is a lifestyle for some individuals, an interpersonal mentality for others, and others can even view it as things that seem “cleaner.”

In design, minimalism is one of the many art concepts that describes a form of content, and it can be used in many ways. As defined by the Cambridge Dictionary, minimalism is “a style in art, design, and theatre that uses the smallest range of materials and colours possible, and only very simple shapes or forms”.

But what does this mean in web design and how to achieve it?

White Space

The blank page syndrome is a phenomenon that affects any artist while beginning a new piece and being faced with the emptiness of the page, despite being commonly associated with writing.

Have you ever felt like you have to fill up every bit of white space on your work or else it feels off? The minimalist concept of design encourages you to accept the gap and use it as part of your art.

The use of white space creates space for your design elements to breathe and live on their own. Often, it can be too confusing for consumers to see a website with multiple components or making the usability more difficult for them to understand.


You don’t necessarily have to keep the white space white. Don’t be afraid to play with various colors and explore different palettes and variations of colours.

Color is not only an aspect that is part of others, such as photographs and text, but that can also survive and function on its own. By using color (or lack of it) as the primary factor or in such appointments, you will make stunning mixtures and variations.

Photography & Illustration

They say “a picture is worth a thousand words” and they are absolutely right! In this minimalistic design journey, photography and illustration will become your best friends.

You will set the mood of your concept by them and engage the users at first glance. Minimalism is all about the environment you create and make people more relaxed.

Typography & Numbers

We’ve talked about colour, photography and illustration, but what about the text?  Typography—and numeration—can also be used brilliantly in minimalist design.

You can coordinate various fonts with pictures and colors, and even use them to add life to your canvas. There’s nothing like exploring and finding fresh styles to explore new arrangements and templates.

Shapes & Patterns

The lines, patterns and geometric shapes are another feature that you can use and compliment the white space and the other components. You can get imaginative and create your own original patterns, or you can get inspired by other creations. Minimalism is all about the synergy and structure of all the pieces of a design.


At the end of the day, design is about expressing yourself and creating art that inspires you and others in many ways. Trying out new styles and concepts is excellent and can help you feel inspired to learn new things and to develop your own process and pieces.