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When we start learning about web design and development, more senior developers and designers most of the time will recommend us to watch tutorials that available online. And this method works for most of people, but not all of us prefer learning online or with video tutorials, there are people that learn faster from books. Besides learning faster, reading can benefit both your physical and mental health. That’s the reason why there are plenty coding books out there even though they are not as popular as tutorial videos. Similar to tutorial videos, coding books provide every details and knowledge you need. Reading books is one of the best ways to learn JavaScript.

In this article, we will give you a list of some useful JavaScript books that are recommended by our Melbourne web designers and developers. So, without further ado Let’s get right into it!

JavaScript and jQuery

The first book is JavaScript and jQuery by Jon Duckett. The main purpose of this book is to help anyone to create more interesting, engaging, interactive, or usable websites. Jon Duckett write it very well and it is suitable for beginners that want to learn about the basics of JavaScript and jQuery. All you need is just a basic understanding of HTML and CSS.

If you are a beginner, this book is a great starting point, we highly recommend it but don’t rely too heavily on jQuery as it’s a bit outdated.

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns

Our second recommendation is a book written by Addy Osmani called “Learning JavaScript Design Patters”. As a new or even intermediate developers, having a decent knowledge about JavaScript design patterns will help you in the long run because these patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. They are both exciting and fascinating topics to explore in any programming language. After reading this book, you can start to apply both classical and modern design patterns to the JavaScript programming language.

JavaScript Allongé

After having great basic knowledge, you ready to dive deeper into technical discussion. JavaScript Allongé is the perfect book for you. This is a book about programming with functions. It’s written in JavaScript of course.

This book starts at the beginning, with values and expressions, and builds from there to discuss types, identity, functions, closures, scopes, collections, iterators, and many more subjects up to working with classes and instances. It also teaches you how to handle complex code, and how to simplify code without dumbing it down.