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Web developers multitask most of the time, they make millions of decisions while doing 10 other things at that same time. So, each decision can save or waste their valuable time. This high workload easily leads to burn out. Developers need to be effective at their tasks and try their best to avoid burning out. Having the best tools is one way to boost effectivity. Proper tools will save your time, and help you efficiently get things done.

Super useful tools that we often use are Chrome extensions. Below is a list of the best extensions that we as web designers and developers use regularly. We hope they will help you too.

  1. OneTab

Research is one of developers’ daily task that consume a lot of time. And a lot of research means a lot of googling too, which lead to lots of chrome tabs opened.

But chrome tabs can get overwhelming because most of the time we are working on more than 2 things at that same time. And we easily get lost between those tabs.

OneTab Chrome extension tackles this problem gracefully. OneTab will convert all of your tabs into a list. When you need to access the tabs again, you can either restore them individually or all at once.

  1. Wappalyzer

Analyzing popular websites is an effective way to learn and built your own site. Wappalyzer allow you to do that easily. It will show you what websites and web applications are built with. This is a great extension if you are curious about technologies, frameworks, Javascript libraries, and more that are used to build certain website or web application.

  1. Clear Cache

When developing and testing, lot of cache is inevitable. Clear Cache is an extension that allows you to clear your cache from the toolbar. And it’s customizable in terms of how much data you want to clear, including app cache, downloads, file systems, form data, history, local storage, passwords, and much more. Its customization makes it very effective for you.

  1. CSS Viewer

This browser extension allows you to access the CSS properties of an element by simply hovering over on it. Viewing CSS elements never been so simple.

  1. Fonts Ninja

If you ever liked typeface or font on any website then you can use this extension to find out the font type easily.