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“First impressions last.” We totally agree with this quote, especially for website. Web design is responsible for nearly 95% of a visitor’s first impression of your business, and great design can help you improve sales numbers. That’s why it’s important to incorporate modern web design into your website. In this article you will see several designs that are popular among Melbourne Web Design community this year.


  1. White space

Modern website design, inspired from print magazines is heading back to minimalism with a tide of purposeful white space. White space helps move visitors through your site pages, it creates a visual hierarchy without any distracting elements. This kind of site also allows viewers’ eyes to rest. It also aids comprehension by defining relationships between page elements.

White space allows visitors to identify your site’s hierarchy. And they use white space to find the most important information on pages, so knowing how to use white space on your website will help improve your site’s user experience (UX).


  1. Full-page headers

In 2020, full-page headers become more and more common. You get creative and implement different kind of header variations, but a popular set up involves adding key text or call-to-action (CTA) buttons on the left of the header. Form UX perspective, readers tend to focus most of their attention on the top-left of your page.


  1. Bold fonts
    San-serif and serif fonts trends are not going anywhere, and vintage type is surprisingly making a comeback in branding. Outlined type and bold type are also showing their faces in many places — from brand names to landing page headings, where the most prominent type trend of all is screen dominating text.


  1. Color trends in 2020

Web designers predicts that online color pallets will become more muted in 2020 compared to 2019. As for gradients, this trend will continue and designers continue exploring the depths to which they can take design with gradients. From marketing and branding stand point, gradients cover wider range of colors, so it could touch broader target audience.

We suggest you to learn about psychology of color, if you haven’t already. It also plays a significant role in web design trends for 2020. Make sure to do comprehensive research to determine the psychology behind colors before generating a new color palette for your company. It’s important that your colors match your brand.


  1. Impactful, engaging stories

Story telling has become a powerful online marketing tool. And finally, web designers start to tell stories through website. You should be able to tell compelling stories in your content and advertising campaigns. With combination of compelling story and classy website design, your site is sure to engage and convert your target audience.