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Do you feel that your website hasn’t perform well lately and you start to see a downfall in your ranking and traffic? This can happen when you make one or more mistakes on your SEO. As Melbourne SEO services provider, we noticed common mistakes that many business owners made when building their website on their own. In this article we will show you what are those mistakes and how to fix them.

Wrong keywords

Number one mistake you should avoid at all cost are optimizing for the wrong keywords. What we mean by “wrong keywords” are:

  • short-tail keywords
  • High competition keywords

Instead of using those keywords, try to target long-tail keywords, that you can realistically rank for. It’s the “2-step” formula to success when optimizing a website for specific keywords.

Pro tip: if you’re running an e-commerce website, target transactional keywords (they usually include terms like “subscribe”, “for sale”, “order”, “apply”, “reserve”, “schedule” + the exact name of your branded product/service or general industry products/services)

You left broken images or links on your website

These mistakes are the result of your sloppiness. To solve them, we suggest you to double-check some components like:

  • misspelled URLs
  • images with no ALT-text
  • images with poor file names
  • image linking to files that no longer exist

Your site’s performance is low

When your site takes too long to load, your bounce rate will increase dramatically.

Here are 2 simple and quickest fixes to speed is up:

  • Keep you CS and JS files minimal
  • enable a good caching plugin

You use poor URL structure

Your URL structure is poor because you do not include your target keywords in it. Keyword-rich URLs make it easier for search engines to locate your website.

You have one internal link and orphaned pages

These problems might seem insignificant but they have negative impact on your site’s ranking. To solve them you need to:

  • Have multiple internal links on a page
  • Make sure that all of the pages are linked to one another (no orphaned pages)

You’re not optimizing your title tags

As a rule of thumb, keep in mind to always insert your target keywords in the pages’ title tags, as well. And to stick to the proper length: less than 60 characters.

You rely too much on automatically-generated page titles

Your site will perform better when you create page titles manually. Especially the key pages on your website. Duplicate page titles might confuse search engines and lower your rankings.