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For most of people with no computer science background, building a website is not an easy task. It needs some level of coding skill to build one from scratch and a lot of people don’t have that. To solve that issue most of them turn to WordPress in order to build their website. WordPress with all the available plugins make building a website much easier. And with the right suite of plugins incorporated into your backend, you can dramatically (and instantaneously) improve the functionality, aesthetics, and efficiency of your site both for yourself and your viewers.

However, with the countless number of options available on the market it is become challenging for the average webmaster to find the best WordPress plugins. But do not to worry. Our Melbourne web developer had done all of the heavy liftings for you, trying and reviewing a ton of WordPress plugins to which plugins are worth to try. So, without any further ado here is our list of the top 5 WordPress plugins for 2020.

Contact Form 7

Contact Form 7 is a plugin that will allow you to easily build and manage multiple contact forms, ensure that all spammy submissions are filtered out with Askimet and use reCaptcha verification. You can quickly create and publish beautiful contact forms and skip all the extra codings with this simple plugin. It already installed more than 5 million times, has great reviews and absolutely free.

Yoast SEO

When it comes to on-page search engine optimization, few plugins can shine a candle to the efficacy and functionality of Yoast SEO. Assuming that you’ve already conducted basic keyword research, the Yoast plugin will guide you step by step through the process of optimizing your new content for the search engines. From the density of your target keyword to the optimization of your title and h2 tags, to basic readability and metadata, Yoast SEO makes on-page search engine optimization so easy a caveman could do it.

Google XML Sitemaps

Google XML Sitemaps is another useful SEO plugin for WordPress. It helps search engines like Google and Bing to index your website better with a special XML sitemap. It will automatically create an XML sitemap as soon as you install and activate the plugin. That XML sitemap will make it easy for search engine bots to view, crawl, and index your site and as result your rankings will be boosted.

Akismet Anti-Spam

Having an active community on your site is great for business. But you don’t want that activities come from spammers because spams will hurt you in the long run. To keep the spammers at bay and maintain the long-term integrity of your site, Akismet Anti-Spam is the only plugin that you’ll need. The way Akismet works is it reviews and filters every single comment that is shared on your website, providing a status history for each one so that you can determine which comments were found spammy by Askimet or the moderator.


If you don’t want to use Shopify and opt to take a slightly more conventional route with your eCommerce adventures, WooCommerce is the all-in-one open source eCommerce platform for WordPress webmasters. WooCommerce makes selling on WordPress site easier with a huge amount of features, extensions, and customizations built into the platform. With just $12.95/month you will be able to choose various themes which also give you freedom to customize to the ability to sell physical, digital, and affiliate products and the countless conversion optimization tools.