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In the beginning of 2020, WordPress has powered almost 35% of the internet sites. It surely popular among users around the world and attracts more and more new users at an amazing pace and that means more competition. So, it is a great idea to optimize you site in order to grow your business.

In this article, we’ll have a look at some hacks that experts in Melbourne SEO services use on daily basis. These tips and tricks are very easy and you don’t need to have any specific skill to apply them. Mostly you only need to use the available features of the platform or add changes to the template files. Make sure you have all the files backed up before you start making any changes. Better be safe than sorry!

Reduce Image Size to Speed Up Your Site

Resizing your pictures to smaller and compressed size produces several benefits to your website. It will take up smaller storage capacity and make your site load faster. You can compress images manually by reducing the size or quality but several online tools will do the job for you. Or you can try to use caching plugins.

Use an SEO Plugin

Optimizing SEO is critical for any business. Even though you can improve you SEO without any add-on, considering the great options available out there, installing a plugin is your best choice. There are many great options to choose out there. These tools will analyze your content and suggest improvements, and also provide some helps on more technical things. This way, you’ll make your life easier and your site will rank better.

Insert Title Tags and Alt Text

Pictures not only make your posts look good and make your site look professional but also help with SEO. Pictures can improve your SEO if they have title tags and the alt texts. Alt-text works like a caption and it will show up when there is a trouble loading images. Meanwhile, title tags aren’t displayed but they help your SEO.

Add Facebook Comments

With more than 2.5 billion users, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms. That’s why integrating comments about your post to your site could be a wise thing to do. This way, visitors will be able to comment on your blogs in an easy way, not to mention they will be more likely to share it on Facebook later.

Back up your Database

By doing regular database back-up, you will keep your site safe from most risks, including system crashes and website hacks. Also, you can easily restore your database when something goes wrong. That’s why it’s important you backup your data regularly (at least once a week). You can do that manually via the cPanel or using plugins.

Manage Comments and Avoid Spam

Allowing users to comment on your posts is an excellent way to interact with them and create a community. But you should be aware of spam comments. Google’s machine not only analyze your content but also comments. Having spammy comments and links can affect your domain authority so it’s better to avoid them.

Lastly, use these tips and tricks wisely. You don’t have to apply all of them, tailor them to fit your needs. And you can always find more ways to improve your site SEO by learning deeper about WordPress.