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Recently, there are a lot of discussion among Melbourne web developers about the integration of VueJS and Laravel. As We all know that VueJS is a Javascript framework while Laravel is a PHP framework, how could they serve any purpose to each other? To understand that, you need to understand how each of them work.

  1. A Little About Vue.JS

Developed by Evan You in 2014, Vue.JS is a really advanced Javascript framework that was built for designing User Interface and single-page applications. It is an open-source Javascript framework that has a versatile architecture. It focuses on component composition and declarative rendering. In 2020, Vue.JS is very popular among developers, especially front-end developers. It scores more than 148k stars on GitHub.

2. A Little About Laravel

In the other hand, Laravel is a free and open-source web framework based on PHP. Taylor Otwell, Laravel creator, designed it to improve productivity. Laravel is very up to date because it consistently releases a new version every 6 months.

Even though both Laravel and VueJS stem from different programming languages, but they support each other in more than one way. Below are the reasons why we think it is a good idea to pair VueJS with Laravel:

3. Everything Happens on the Frontend

Most of Web Applications today are event-driven. They are built to make sure that the users have a seamless experience just like they would be using an application installed on their computer. You can use Vue to build a full-scale event-driven web application that handles all activities on the frontend. It also provides composable components that can be used however you wish. Pair it with Laravel, and you will be able to make UI changes by switching components without reloading the page. Given Vue’s speed and performance, this happens very fast and smoothly without taking up so much of your computer resources.

4. Building Optimal Complex Frontend Pages

It is the best practice to build your application frontend completely on JavaScript when it has parts that need to be updated frequently.  But, the challenge with JavaScript libraries that don’t have a virtual DOM, like vanilla JavaScript or jQuery or other is that you quickly hit performance issues because of the increases on update frequency or the increases of volume of data to track for changes. After some periods you will begin to experience noticeable performance lags.

You can avoid those problem if you compose your application with Vue components, each component’s dependencies are automatically tracked during its render, so the system knows precisely which component actually needs to be updated when there is a change in data. This makes all updates to the DOM use minimal resources, thereby improving the overall application efficiency.

5. Single Page Application

Not every web visitor has stable and reliable internet connection. One way you could tackle this problem is by building Single Page Applications. Single Page Applications are able to deliver rich web experience without consuming high amount of bandwidth.

6. Easy to Learn and Use

Vue is very simple and easy to get into because it’s similar with plain JavaScript. You can create a simple application with plain JavaScript and it remains valid in Vue. And even better thing is that your valid HTML is also a valid Vue template. You can keep your CSS external or you can process it with JavaScript depending on your application needs.