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As a marketing and branding tool, you want your website should be reached by as many people as possible. There is no point on creating the most beautiful website if is not available on the top pages of search engines. So, it is obvious to build a SEO-friendly website. Integrating SEO optimizations into your website will increase your presence on search engines, and more especially on Google SERPs. As Melbourne SEO services provider company we have tested a lot of strategies to boost page ranking. These following are several key elements for making a website that is designed to rank well in search.

  1. Content Umbrellas

Organize you content according to logical categories/hierarchies. A logical content hierarchy is as important for search engines as it is for the sanity of your users. People love well organized contents because it’s easier to access. Choose one main theme for your site, then build out pages that are subtopics of that theme. Each page on the site should have a purpose and focus on a singular topic area.

2. Avoid Duplicate Content

You might have seen people spam similar contents on their website and abuse keywords with expectation that it will bump their site to the first page. Well, let us tell you: It will not work. Duplicate content is leading to SEO issues that will penalize your rankings.

3. Site Speed

Google made page speed a ranking factor in 2010, meaning that the company’s algorithm will favor sites with pages that load faster over those with pages that load more slowly. Google’s data shows that users are significantly more likely to abandon a search result if the page does not load quickly enough.

4. Make it compatible for all devices

Nowadays people access a site not only from their computer but also from their phones and tablets. So, you have to make sure your website is optimized for all type of devices. By making it flexible you not only giving better user experience but also boosting your page ranking. Google has made mobile friendliness — in terms of the design and programming of a site — a ranking factor in its algorithm.

5. Focus on internal linking

We already know that Google’s algorithm grades a website based on connections it has (external links). But not a lot of people know that Internal linking also affect the algorithm. How? By building page authority and allows your readers to navigate easily within your website. If you provide them with further relevant reading options, they will be tempted to stay on your website longer. You also have to ensure that there is no orphaning page.

6. Shorten URLs

In the past, we had created websites with long and unreadable URLs. Even though creating long URLs worked but it is not the best practice. To boost your website presents, ERLs should be short, descriptive and easy to read. Avoid using special characters like underscores, ampersands or percentage symbols. The easier they are to read, the better — both for people and for search engines. These are also prime opportunities to take advantage of keyword placement and marketing for users.