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If there is one thing that can describe a future successful business, I will say that having a website that works, both in terms of digital marketing and security is the best way to deliver your marketing strategy into more a fruitful and effective lead generation. Yes, you know that having a website is important to boost and improve your business online visibility, but keeping it safe from unwanted attacks such as website hacks, malware and viruses is also important. For that reason, smart business owners would immediately hire web hosting services. If you are operating a business which works online then it is mandatory for you to have a professional web hosting. The right web hosting service can play a huge role in the growth of the company. It helps businesses in getting incredible results. A professional web hosting provides you a number of benefits such as technical support and web security that lacks in low-level web hosting services. Apart from this, you will also get the advantage of restoration and backup features with pro web hosting for your business. But, what if your business once hired a bad web hosting provider, could you still protect your website after realizing your mistake? The answer is, yes! Below are the ways you can protect your business from a bad web host. Keep reading this article to find out!

Register your domain with a different party

Don’t panic; you can still do the right thing. Many hosting companies now offer a free domain registration after you purchase a hosting package. However, it is a smart move to spend an extra $10-$15 and register your primary domain with a different registrar. I would normally use the free domain for my secondary sites, which I use for host testing or SEO experiments. That way, if the domain gets tied to that hosting company and I want to switch, I haven’t lost untold hours of work on a website I’ve been building traffic for. For your information, you can easily move to a new web hosting company when you register your domain with a different party. You might not know how long the previous web hosting company would release your domain.

Be careful with your payment method

You might think it is convenient to set up an automated payment plan with a web hosting company. However, there are two things you should keep in mind when it comes to automated payment plan; one, you never know if the web hosting company will always be trustworthy or not, and two, you never know if there will be a time where you want to cancel the plan. Unscrupulous companies may continue to charge a debit or credit card even long after you have already cancelled your account. For that reason, I won’t recommend using automated payment plan no matter how tempting it is.

If you have arranged a long trial period with a web hosting provider, stick with it

One of the signs that a web hosting company is reliable and trustworthy is that they provide guarantees. A long trial period shows that the hosting company is confident in the quality of the service they have to offer. Web hosting providers should offer at least a month, but there are some that offer an even longer trial period.

Don’t hire a web hosting company with blacklisted IPs

So, you have finally cancelled your plan with the previous web hosting company of which services didn’t satisfy you, only to hire another bad web hosting company? Let’s hope you won’t be too quick to make such a big decision. There are many reasons to avoid blacklisted IPs, which include the reputation of the web hosting company and more importantly, it is done so your emails sent from your domain are not blocked by other providers due to the IP. A blacklisted host means your email may be blacklisted as well. Make sure you ask for the web hosting company’s IP address before you sign up for their services. Then, run a quick check by using Spam Haus Lookup tool.

Never make a mistake for underestimating the importance of web hosting for your online business website that you end up choosing some (sorry) half-assed web hosting provider. The web hosting company you choose for your website can make the difference in business revenue (potential customers can’t reach you when your site is down), site speed, website availability, server management effort, and Google rankings.