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I am not an OCD person, but when it comes to website, I know that every content on my website should be well-organized or all my digital marketing efforts would be in vain. In the business world, it is not an uncommon fact that if you have a business, you need a website to increase online visibility and improve your brand awareness so that you can grow your business. As a person who works to provide Melbourne SEO services, I know that just having a website is not enough. You have to make sure that your business website is generating leads and attracting many visitors. For that, your website content should be well-arranged so that it won’t confuse your website visitors. How? Keep reading to find out!

Before that, however, these are what you should do first:

  • Define your brand and what kind of business you are
  • Make clear call to action. What do you want your visitors do once they have visited your website? Do you want them to read your eBook? Do you want them to buy your products?
  • Target your audience. Sure, you want to reach as many people as possible, but if they don’t need your products, what’s the point?

Now that you are clear with your brand, call to action and your target audience, these are the most important things that should be put into your website:

  • Home. Your home page is the first thing people see when they visit your URL. This is where you give a brief overview of your brand identity – who you are and what you do.
  • About Us. This page gives room to you for your storytelling. This page is where you can go into more details about the history, mission, and purpose of your business and website – how you started your business and why you started.
  • Products/Services. This page is where you list your products or services. Don’t forget to give clear information about each of them.
  • Contact Us. They have seen your website and your products and it’s just silly if they don’t know where you are and how to contact you. And here’s the thing: one of the easiest ways to nab a sale or achieve whatever goal your website has set is to include a contact page on your website.
  • Blog. Well, some business websites have it, but some don’t. However, having a blog included in your website content is proven to be one of the best marketing strategies that not only allows your customers to know more about your business and explore more about your product or service benefits, but it can also develop trust between you and your target audience. Writing articles for your blog consistently can increase your credibility and reliability because your target audience will know how serious you are in your business and they will also know more about you.

When it comes to website content, there are things you should avoid in order to prevent your website from having cluttered content. For your information, cluttered content can be your target audience’s reason to leave your website because they are having difficulties in recognizing and understanding your brand. Look out for these two huge turn-offs in a website:

  • Cluttered navigation bar. The navigation bar is the main navigational menu usually located at the top of your website that helps visitors move from one page to another. Now that you’re inspired to organize your content neatly, don’t get so caught up in the excitement that you dump the entire kitchen sink there. Instead, you can use your navigation bar to display your main product, service, or categories.
  • Long dropdown menus. Avoid having your dropdown menus be so long that it has so much content in just one menu. Consider consolidating subcategories and relying on “more” in order to control the length of your dropdown.

Yes, those mentioned above are the things you should keep in mind when organizing your website. Website content that is organized shows that you care about the visitor experience on your site and value their time, which will encourage them to return. However, make sure that your website is always updated with news and events information so that your target audience knows your business is still ‘alive.’