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I have always been a loyal customer of a famous hair designer who opens a salon in my hometown. The salon is always full and if you are not fast enough to book an appointment, you will have to sit on the long waiting list. The business is running smoothly, right? Wait until you know this fact: despite being a famous hair designer, he is only popular among hairstylists and the people in the same city. Now let’s talk about his competitor in the city I’m residing now. Sometimes I don’t go to the salon I frequent when I’m not in the city and I am in need of fast ‘hair assistance’. When that happens, I go to a Japanese salon in the city I’m currently living in. The salon opens inside a big mall but many people are quite familiar with the salon even some of them wrote a few blog articles for the salon. Let’s find out about this salon’s facts:

  • The salon operates inside a big and popular mall
  • The salon’s owner is a Japanese man
  • The owner has his right-hand man who is also a Japanese man in charge of the salon when the owner is not around
  • The owner has top hair stylists as well
  • Their skills match with my hair designer’s skill even though they don’t have public recognition like my hair designer does…and guess what?

The salon has a website! Well, does it matter? Should a salon business have a website? To be honest with you, at first I didn’t know the Japanese salon in that mall existed. How did I find it, then? I searched on Google and I typed “the best hair salon in Jakarta” and the salon website appeared first on Google! Imagine if this Japanese salon hadn’t set their own website, the search result would have shown their competitors instead of them, right? I’m not saying this because I’m working with web developers Melbourne. I’m saying this because I care about businesses like yours. If you are looking to open a salon business soon, let me tell you this: your business matters. Even a salon needs a website, so don’t ever underestimate the importance of growing your salon business. Why do you need a website? Keep reading this article to learn more!

A website helps your customers and potential customers

Before I tell you how much a website can help you boost your business growth, how about I tell you that it also helps your customers and potential customers get to know more about you and what you offer. For example, a potential customer needs to know what kind of services you provide in your salon and the price range of your services (even I prefer a salon that includes services as well as the price list on their website). This information on a website is very important in encouraging potential customers to make purchase decision.

A website shows people that you keep up with trends

With almost everything changes as time goes by, we are often required to grow and keep up with the change. If we don’t do that, we will only get left behind. Hair style trend tends to change each year. Your current hair style may not be the same as the next year’s trendy hair style. Oftentimes, bob hair style becomes the ‘it’ style among celebrities, which then becomes the trend for us as well. Also, if hair designers out there decide to create new hair style trend, it will also become the year’s trend. Some old salons might want to stick to their salon values, but others might want to grow and enhance their hair styling skills in order to improve and keep up with the trends. I believe you are the latter, right? The problem is; how do people know you are keeping up with the trends? Well, a website better tell them.

A website can showcase your skills

A website can also be the place to showcase your skills. You can include photos of your works and your employees’ works on your website to give a sneak peek to your potential customers on how you work and what the results look like. This can help you encourage your potential customers to trust your skills with their hair. Remember; showcase the best out of the best.

There are many more benefits you can get from having a website before you open your salon. You can even set up online appointment booking, feature your products and services and maybe beat your competitors (psstt, because not many salon know the importance of having a website for their salon business). I know setting up a website is not easy and it may cost you a lot of money too, but that is business. You have to be willing to take risks or you won’t make it.