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In the marketing world, call-to-action is the key to an effective marketing strategy. It is the part of where you are motivating your target audience to take real steps toward becoming your customer or client. Many people in the business world believe that call to action is the important part of your website or ad campaign. The most popular call to action (or CTA in short) you might be familiar with is “Buy Now!”

In web design, a CTA can be in a form of banner, button or some graphic or text on a website meant to prompt a user to click it. In simple words, CTA is kind of the same as you saying “Follow me on Instagram” in your YouTube videos – to persuade your audience to take action so that when the action is done, you can achieve your marketing goals. So, what makes CTA special? Keep reading to learn more!

For business alone, CTA is proven more effective in increasing conversion rates from the landing page, increasing revenue (only if the content is well-placed and relevant), improving visitor engagement, as well as improving website and product sign-ups. From user’s perspective, CTA can build connections between a consumer’s desire and the availability, make it easier for users to find location of products and services, as well as provide more usability for users. In short, CTA lets the users know what to do next. There are some of the most common types of CTA, such as:

  • Buy buttons or “Add to cart”
  • Subscription or newsletter signups
  • “Learn More”
  • “Buy Now”
  • “Free Trial”
  • “Get Started”
  • Share on social media
  • Checkout
  • Add to wish-list

Having CTA is convenient for business, but the real question is; how can you make users click your CTA? How does CTA work? Well, in order for your CTA to work, there are two points that need to happen. First, users have to be able to spot your CTA effortlessly. Second, users have to immediately realise what they have to do and even before you make your CTA work, users need to have strong reasons as to why they have to click your CTA. For that reason, words, phrases and sentences you are using strongly determine the results from your CTA. Why? That’s because the scientific aspect of CTA phrases, words and sentences has to do with psychology and the way our brains work. We interpret every context of spoken or written text differently. For example, if someone told you that a cat, a dog, a snake and a hen were eating their meals together in the same place, you would have a much different visualisation than if the person said their family members were having dinner together. The animals mentioned above are basically the opposite of each other that can end up attacking each other when placed in the same environment, let alone eating together. However, when someone told you that those animals were indeed eating their meals together, it was something new that could attract your curiosity as to why and how they were in the same place without killing each other – and admit it, if it was real, you would be curious too, right? That’s because it seems fun! On the other hand, if the person told you about their family members were having dinner together, you would not be curious and attracted because humans having dinner together (especially family) is something common and nothing new to you, well, unless if they mentioned your crush were invited to the dinner. Oops. Anyway, the two sentences may have the same wording, but the context makes all the difference. Therefore, when making your own CTA, you should consider a few things first. Below are the steps you can do to create irresistible CTA.

Focus on your target audience

I know you need responses from your target audience, but when it comes to CTA, you have to prioritise your target audience’s needs because well, that’s how you get their responses. They have to make sure they won’t regret clicking your CTA and they get what they need from taking actions on it. Also, don’t dilly dally, let your target audience know exactly what you want them to do and be direct about it too. The CTA phrases and words that work well with your target audience should be something like:

  • You (This lets your target audience know they are being prioritised)
  • Guarantee (This increases certainty to your target audience)
  • Results (Your target audience knows what they will benefit from clicking your CTA)
  • Free (Who doesn’t love free stuff?)
  • Because (Give reasons why your target audience won’t regret taking actions on your CTA)
  • New (Humans are born curious by nature; therefore, new things can pique your target audience’s curiosity)

Simply put, your target audience needs to know that your CTA makes things easier for them and they don’t have to pay first before they are really sure about what you offer. For example, your company is offering cleaning services for customers. However, your potential customers might not be familiar with the way your company works and they have to make sure it is worth the price. In order to convince them that your cleaning services are the best ones in town, you offer them a free trial. Therefore, instead of saying this:

“Get your 20% discount now for your first cleaning experience with us!”

Change it into:

“Get your first cleaning experience for free now!”

That way, you are more direct and convincing to them. Well, better give them the best first experience, though!

Give a sense of “urgency” in your CTA

People love free and exciting stuff, but the problem is; they think there’s still time and eventually it never happens. Before they know it, you don’t offer the same thing again and they will even forget what it is about. For that reason, the sooner you can get people to take action, the better. Here are the phrases or words you can use to add a sense of “urgency” to your CTA:

  • Only X days left
  • Closing soon
  • While stocks last
  • Today only
  • Last chance
  • Offer ends on “date”
  • Valid until
  • Valid for only X days
  • Limited time offer

People love discounts but they think it can still wait. However, they are also afraid of missing out on important parts of the offers. Giving a sense of urgency in your CTA is the right step to make your target audience click your CTA right away. Therefore, instead of only saying:

“Buy your favourite products for up to 50% discount!”

Start saying this:

“Your favourite perfume is at 50% less than the usual price…only for today!”

There are many ways you can do to write properly for your CTA to drive more engagement and interest for your website. However, always keep in mind that when you are creating CTAs, make sure to put yourself in your target audience. Only through seeing from your target audience’s perspective, can you provide and give what they need. Once you understand that, you will have no problem with creating CTA.