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Inspiration is like a person who is not ready to commit to a higher level of relationship. It comes and goes when it wants to. However, depending on your method of collecting inspiration, it will stay longer until it becomes an idea and turns into a real creation. As a writer working to provide SEO services for clients, I often find myself daydreaming, lost into the wind and came back with nothing. This, in the long run, could cause me unwanted disasters waiting to happen. For that reason, I have conducted my own research to overcome this problem so that I can create positive energy to write effectively for my digital marketing efforts. When you own a business, you might need to make sure that you are ready to get creative for the sake of content marketing strategy. Remember that the term “Content is King” never dies. In fact, it becomes stronger. Your business is going to depend on your content strategy. If you can’t get yourself ready for creative content, your business might come off as boring and lifeless. Luckily, today is the inspirational tip of the week and I’m going to share with you my strategy to overcome this problem. Keep reading this article to find out!

Change the mindset

Before starting everything, the first step you need to take is to change your mindset. There is a subtle difference in “I have to” and “I want to,” but this subtle difference can give a major impact on everything you do, especially writing. When you have to do chores, you will often procrastinate more than when you want to do chores. When you want to write, it becomes a joy because you let yourself explore your imagination and express your ideas, which can improve your writing skills and connect with your readers as well. On top of that, when you choose to write because you want to, not only do you finish your work, but you also feed your soul that adds more encouragement for you to write.

Break down the writing process into small steps

Procrastination happens to anyone at any time, including us writers and even you, business owners. To summarise, procrastination is indeed our enemy. With this in mind, I have tried several methods to overcome or maybe reduce the possibility of us ever procrastinating again. However, I found this method more effective than the other ones; break down the writing process into small steps. We often get lazy in the middle of the work when we start going straight for ‘the big part’. However, when you cut the writing process into small steps, it will help you defeat your biggest enemy; procrastination. Break down your work progress with these simple steps:

  • Choose an idea and write an outline
  • If it is necessary, conduct more research
  • Write your first draft
  • Revise and edit

Once it is done, you will realise that you no longer procrastinate your writing.

Adjust your writing to your ideal target

There is a place in the middle of your ideals and your target’s needs; a place where your ideals and your target’s ideals are balanced. As readers, your targets have their own needs that they have to complete by finding something useful in your content. Your content should have something that can achieve their aims, answer their questions, solve their problems as well as overcome their fears. That being said, this doesn’t have to be all them-but-not you, you also need to gain something from writing that can spark your creativity. It is something that excites you, feeds your soul, grows your opportunity, and makes you learn more.

Yes, in order for those I have mentioned to succeed, first you need to create a balance that can fulfil your target’s needs and at the same time achieve your goals. It is where you succeed in creating the content suitable for your target’s needs. Simply put, when your target is happy, you are much happier.

Keep the positive vibes and stop worrying

As a writer, it is natural for me to worry whether people who read my content will be satisfied or not. Sometimes I would get worried if people got bored of my content. Maybe you have the same worries too. You are afraid that your business will not go smoothly and that your potential customers end up buying from your competitors. I’m telling you this; it is completely normal to feel that. However, your fears and worries would come true only if you allowed it to. For that reason, positive vibes and strong determination are needed. Remember that what doesn’t kill you doesn’t kill you. Trust me, when you have positive vibes, you can create your own unique mix of ideas. Why? That’s because when you are positive, you are aware of your own uniqueness and can even make use of your unique creativity with great confidence.

A business is not something that can be overlooked just because you think it’s only a small business. A business, small or big, should be treated as big. You should plan for the future so that you can share your experiences, tell stories to your targets – stories that only you can tell as well as develop your own voice for a greater future. I’m not saying this is easy. A business needs many efforts made by you to stay consistent and be better. When you are determined to make the best of your business and take actions on it, then you are on the right path.