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I’m not going to lie to you, but I’m a lazy person. I’m so lazy sometimes I can’t come up with ideas because I’m easily tired. The worst part is that I can doze off or just daydream for hours without producing any content at all. My mind is screaming like, “Hey, Linda. Get yourself together, will you?” No, Linda is not my real name, by the way. Okay, back to the topic. I know my mind is screaming like that, but my brain is so hard to control. I started to wonder if there is something wrong with me. As I work at a creative agency that provides SEO services for clients who have business, I know I can’t stay lazy forever. My clients rely on me to produce great content for them. For that reason, I’ve been doing some research on this so that I can be more productive. If you are a business owner, you sure aspire to be creative and productive, right? After several months of research by doing methods I’ve got from watching Bright Side on YouTube as well as reading motivational books. I have finally come up with ways to be more productive and reduce my bad habits gradually. How? Keep reading to find out!

Below is the to-do list I have summarised for you to understand better:

  1. Start every day with a plan. I mean, yes, always plan for everything. Never leave house without any plan. I mean it. You’ll see why after you try.
  2. Get up at 04:30 or 05:30. That’s the ideal time for us to wake up because the brain is still fresh and relaxed for us to be more productive.
  3. Make time for morning exercise and yoga. Seriously, working out in the morning is the best thing ever. Why? It helps the body and mind to relax and gain as much energy as they need so you won’t get sleepy easily during work.
  4. Read books. Oh, trust me, I know you would say; “What? I don’t like books!” Yeah, I know, because I too, don’t like books, but it wouldn’t hurt to read one page at a time so you won’t get bored. Books are the windows of the world. It gives you good influence without you realising. Since you wake up early, you can use your time to read one or two pages of motivational books and then just that. You can throw it away and resume it the next day.
  5. Listen to classical music. I know not all people can be fond of classical music, but you can try listening for 3 to 5 minutes. That’s all you need.
  6. Sleep no later than 10 pm. Your body is working despite the fact that you are sleeping and the optimal way to process what’s inside your body is by sleeping at the proper time. When you sleep late, what do you think will happen? Try and see what happens.
  7. Eat salmon or dory. I know some people thought this was a joke or myth, but let me tell you this; it’s true. Salmon is one of nature’s best sources of DHA, an essential fatty acid important for brain health. Your brain is fat, really fat. Sixty percent of it is composed of fatty acids, the long snake-like building blocks of fat molecules required for proper brain structure and function. Fatty acids come in many varieties, yet the brain has a clear favourite – and salmon is packed with it. More than two-thirds of the brain’s fatty acids are docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 fatty acid found primarily in oily fish, although some vegetarian sources exist as well. Metabolically incapable of making DHA on our own, we must obtain it from our diet.

Yes, those mentioned above are the habits I’m starting to get used to every day. At the first week, it is really hard for me to keep up since I was known as the night owl, but after two weeks, I started to see some changes and in 30 days, my life has changed. I’m sure this habit will be good for you. Try and see for yourself. If you need our assistance in your business, do not hesitate to call us and let our team influence you better.