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Most people (but not all) think that the hardest part of starting out a business is the making of the products or attracting customers. The truth is; the hardest part of building a business is maintaining the business performance so that current customers are staying and new customers keep coming. A business is not only about products, but it is also about providing what’s the best for customers. As someone who is working in a creative agency that provides website building including web design, web development and SEO services, I am fully aware of the importance of providing what the clients need and what’s best for them. In this case, if you own a business and have a website for it, you should know that your website is the medium for your communication with your customers and potential customers. From your website, users can find more helpful information about you and your business. For that reason, the most important thing for you to do this is by designing for your customers so you can stay in touch with what they need. How? Keep reading to find out!

Always choose the simple one

I know something simple may come off as ordinary. However, something simple is what actually leads you to success. Wait, what? How is that even possible? Well, sometimes we’re looking for something unique that we forget that users find it difficult to access our website. Sometimes what seems to be “perfect” in our eyes is actually a nightmare for our customers. Perhaps at the time of the making, we don’t realise that we may actually make things difficult for our customers. For example, we might think that a big typeface is something trendy and good, well that’s true, if you know hire a web designer who understands how to make your website responsive and well-adjusted to the users with that kind of typography. However, if the chosen big typeface makes it difficult for users to access your full website without adjustment on their device, what do you need uniqueness for?

Get your customers on board

Well, this doesn’t mean gathering your customers to do the work for your website’s design. I did not mean it like that. This means gathering more information out of them without making them do the work. How? Well, you know the power of social media, right? Take example from Instagram. Instagram has several features that let your followers be involved in the process of re-designing your website “indirectly,” so you get them on board by using those features. The features include:

  • The polling feature lets your followers choose what they prefer. For example, you are asking for your followers’ opinion about which one of two featured designs that might look good on your business. Let them choose, and you know the majority can never fail.
  • The “Ask Me” feature enables your followers to ask you anything about what you offer in your business or your website. Aside from “asking”, this feature can actually provide another function for you to instead ask for your customers’ opinions about your website and products or services. For example, you can ask your followers something like “Is there any difficulty you might face when you are visiting our website?” and let their answers determine your next move.
  • The like meter feature allows your followers to let you know whether they like what you share or not and how much they like or dislike it. For example, your web designer has just finished the last touch of your web redesign process. You can share the “sneak peek” of your website and ask them how much they like it. Again, the majority can never lie.

From that, you can collect as much information as you can and this can help you determine the process of your website redesign. Not only can you give your best to provide what’s best for the users, you can also provide what they need. In the business world, your focus should be towards your customers. After all, what is a business without its customers? Therefore, you do not only maintain your business quality, but you also maintain your relationships with your customers. Designing is not only for your website, but it is also for your customers. With this in mind, you can grow your business in a better way.