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FYI, if you want to build a successful business, you must start with a marketing strategy. There are many aspects in marketing strategy and each of them has their own roles in strengthening and boosting your marketing strategy. One of them is a website. A website can help you improve your brand awareness and reliability in the eyes of your current and potential customers. For that reason, many business owners out there are trying to do their best in boosting their strategy by hiring agencies that can do web design and web development services for their business. Why? That’s because having a website alone is not enough to build a successful business. Every aspect of a website should be applied in order to create not only a stunning website but also useful website both for you and your visitors. Aside from that, if you have a well-designed website, you will get a chance to improve and grow ROI for your business. So, how does a great website help you grow your ROI? Keep reading this article to find out!

Whatever it is you are selling in your business, the first thing that comes into your visitors’ eyes is what it looks like. Yes, a well-designed website attracts more visitors and converts them into real paying customers. When we are talking about a product, let’s say, a bottle of shower gel, what are people actually buying? They are not just buying some shower gel, but they are also buying the bottle. In short, there is no distinction between product and its packaging. The same thing applies to web design, especially in a world of online shopping, a website should be considered as a part of the product or service.

In most recent studies, a good web design is more effective and easily understandable by visitors if its layout is in an F shape. Not only can this shape help visitors read the right content, but it will also improve user experience as it easily navigates your visitors in the right place with the right purpose. Aside from that, in order to make the website more effective, content should be integrated and relevant to your business. So, why are these things, as explained above, important and do they have anything to do with ROI? Of course! A great website can “convince” people to stay longer reading your content and the longer they are reading your content and explanations of the products or service you are selling, the more they are “encouraged” to make purchasing decisions and that’s where the ROI takes place. When you are investing in design, you are also helping your brand improve its reliability both in making people trust your brand and repurposing your product or service quality.

There are also several things that can cause people to not trust poorly designed websites:

  • Inappropriate name for the website
  • Complex and hard-to-understand layout, making it difficult to access
  • No clear navigations
  • No search facilities, making it difficult to find a specific product or service
  • Lifeless and boring web design, making it look like the website is dead or abandoned
  • Too much text
  • Too small or too big text
  • Pop-ups, ugh I hate pop-ups. I’m sure you do too.
  • The “you must sign up to read this content” thing is like a threatening message to me.

Well, the last point brings me back to some bitter memories of mine back when I was trying to find more information on some websites, like, urgently. But they wouldn’t (although sometimes I could access it without any disturbance) let me read the rest of the content if I haven’t signed up or logged in yet. I mean, what if I didn’t want to sign up? You would ban me from your website? You wouldn’t let me access your website? Well, forgive my grumble, but did you get what I said? If I was that upset with that kind of website, then so will your visitors.

With that in mind, you know what to avoid in a web design. Now, these are the ways you and your web designer can do in order to make a great website so you can get great ROI:

  • Keep your website up-to-date
  • Redesign and repurpose when necessary
  • Make the website eye-catching but still relevant to your business type
  • Write good content on your website but make sure it’s neat and relevant
  • Have site frequently linked to by other credible websites
  • Have a relevant FAQ section if necessary

Now we’re reaching to the conclusion. When you are going to marry someone you love, you aren’t just marrying that person; you are also marrying their family. The same applies to a website design. Before your customers are even interested in your products or services or buying your products or services, they will first check out your website and let me tell you this; that website is going to make them decide whether or not they should buy your products or services. With that in mind, now, let me ask you something; are you prepared to prepare what’s best on your website for your customers? Let me know. So, call me, maybe?