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I love subscribing to my favourite brands and indeed, I would never regret ever subscribing to them. One of the brands I love to subscribe is The Body Shop. They always email me (without pestering me) about their latest products or latest events, including, my favourite one, the discounts. This form of marketing – the email marketing, is one of the good ways of interacting with customers, either new or potential. This also helps customers know what’s new on the business and what’s great about the business. I am not promoting this brand, mind you. Think of this as an insight for your business or the company you are working for. Whether your company has done marketing efforts such as having social media presence, hiring SEO services, holding social events, and many kinds of marketing strategies, your company still needs a clear direction when it comes to email marketing strategy. In this article, I am going to tell you how to successfully achieve better results by combining email marketing strategy and SEO. Keep reading to find out!

Repurpose your newsletter content

We often see marketers trying to get us to sign up for their newsletter and oftentimes, the only newsletters we get are about new blog posts or new social media posts that don’t give us direct benefits. A newsletter is typically an email that promotes a business’ latest blog post, latest news, discounts, or on occasion, its product or service. However, if a newsletter doesn’t give anything special to customers or potential customers, it is no different than any spam emails, at best. So, instead of sending a regular newsletter telling people about your new blog post, try making them feel more special by adding “exclusive content” to your newsletter message. Also, if it’s in your budget, try creating a promotion to make the newsletter more promising (as long as you don’t break the promise). The bottom line of this step is; create real content and create a purpose for your target audience as to why they should sign up for your newsletter.

When you make a great content for your newsletter, that’s where the SEO benefit comes in. Google loves great content. Even when you make changes in the format and make it better as you repurpose it for people who are not on your email list yet, your content will have a better chance of ranking on search engines. Well, that’s if you follow SEO guidelines and best practices.

Personalise your email content

Instead of copying from the previous email marketing messages or copying from somewhere else, personalising fresh and brand new content is more valuable when it comes to email marketing and SEO strategy. Relevance is a key point of SEO. Therefore, when you personalise your own newsletter content, you can make it more relevant to your business and not boring. Moreover, personalised, relevant content sent to your email list, is more likely to encourage people to share and link to it.

Ask for reviews to your subscribers via email

Believe it or not, reviews, bad or good, are one of the tools for communicating with your customers or subscribers. We may get emails from brands we subscribe to, but oftentimes, we only ignore the emails and only go for something that requires our actions. Admit it; you will only take a look at emails with “Discounts” as the subject, right? Now there is also a way to attract their interest to communicate with you. Ask them for reviews. I know what you’re thinking. Ask them for reviews, are you crazy? Well, hold your horses. The main idea of this approach is that an added advantage of customer-written reviews is word usage, which means, customers may end up writing these reviews using keywords or city names that are beneficial for your business. Yes, it’s SEO all over again.

That’s the right way you can combine email marketing and SEO in your marketing strategy. If you look at it from SEO side, you can find solutions to your marketing strategy. If you need more effective assistance in email marketing and SEO, do not hesitate to contact us now and our special team will gladly help and guide you.