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When you have a business, there are things you should keep in mind in order to keep your business running smoothly; financial management, employees, marketing, and SEO. Wait, why SEO? In case you didn’t know, SEO is one of the methods in marketing a business by increasing the business’ online visibility. Many business owners know about SEO and start hiring an SEO company to do SEO services for them. So, why is SEO important? Basically, in short explanation, SEO helps a business get noticed by their target audience. As the years go by, there are many competitors in the same industry; therefore, SEO helps your business stand out among your competitors so that your target audience will easily find you. Now, if you are already hiring an SEO company to do SEO for your business, your job as the business owner is to help them do exactly what you need in a more effective way. You might be wondering, how? Well, there are so many ways you can help them. In this article, we are going to tell you about one of the ways you can help as a business owner to boost your SEO progress and it is called blog writing. Keep reading this article to find out!

Blog writing is not all about personal blog. You can actually write a blog with topics relevant to your business as a way to boost your SEO progress. In the articles you write for your blog, you can use keywords to strengthen the chance of them being read by your target audience. However, there is just one problem; how do you find the right blog topics to attract interest from your target audience? We might say something like “We need new content, now,” or “We have to drive more traffic, now.” However, there is something we might leave out while being busy overthinking this. It is not about how fast we can deliver our content; it is about how we create interesting content that can make them stay interested. In order to do that, there are things we need to do:

Conducting a research on competitors

They say anyone can be our teacher. It’s true. It doesn’t matter whether they are younger or older, experienced or inexperienced – there is always something we can learn from them, including our own competitors in the same industry. Sometimes we have to admit that there are times that our competitors might be ahead of us in terms of marketing. For that reason, it is okay if we take good examples from them to be used as the source of inspirations for our marketing strategy. You can also gain new knowledge on new keywords you have never thought of before. There are several tools out there that can help you find out a list of keywords that are driving organic traffic for them. That being said, it doesn’t mean that you have to use the same keywords; it just means that you can find new inspirations from that and start making fresh, brand-new blog topics.

Creating seasonal content

Seasonal content helps you get new ideas about what’s happening and what’s trending without having to be out-of-topics or irrelevant. For example, if you own a fashion clothing brand and it is winter at the moment, then you can make a blog topic discussing about how to choose a winter coat suitable for winter but still fashionable at the same time, according to each person’s size. Seasonal event makes things come in handy when it comes to choosing a topic for blog. You can make use of the season to create relevant content for your blog.

Making use of existing content

Who says we can’t re-use existing content and turn it into newly developed content? Well, we can! If you have ever written content that can inspire new blog topics, you can generate new ideas from the previous topic itself. For example, if you own a video game store, you can have different kinds of topics based on the genre of the games itself. If you wrote an article about video game genres previously, you can divide the topics for later use; for instance, today you are going to cover about horror video games, and next you can use action video games. Expand your existing content into something new that you can use for topics.

That’s how to find the right blog topics to improve SEO. Basically, you can find many things as a source of inspiration. Even when you are in silence and listening to the rain, you can find inspirations. However, it is best if we learn from our surroundings, including our competitors. Take good examples and re-make in a better way. When you keep generating ideas from your surroundings, you can always find good ideas that you can use for your blog topics. If you are still confused about this, you can contact our team and let them help you.