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Most of us may have already heard the term B2B and B2C, but did you ever know about C2B? Well, maybe you have seen the process of C2B, but never know the term. In the business world, the use of SEO services is not uncommon anymore. SEO has been used for many kinds of businesses and considered as an effective marketing strategy. With many B2B and B2C companies out there, only few people know about C2B. Well, unlike B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-consumer), C2B, which stands for consumer-to-business means business makes profits from people who are supposed to be consumers. While in the usual B2C situation usually a business makes advertisement and waits for people to take it up, with C2B, however, customers now demand a service for a price that they’re happy to pay and wait for a business (or freelancer) to fill the gap. If you are using a C2B method for your company, then this article is for you to read! Keep reading to find out.

With the major influence that the Internet has brought, C2B is the ideal approach when it comes to marketing strategies. Why? That’s because it is more efficient and faster in generating the results. Basically, there are 3 different groups whose relationships are changing, which are the customer, the business, and the intermediary.


Unlike in B2C, a customer in C2B is an individual who has something to offer. In this part, their role is to offer their services, so that other business entity will pay them for the services. There are many ways a customer’s service is used by a business entity:

  • A customer is a blogger who promotes their skills or services for other businesses to use
  • A customer with photography skills can offer their photo works to be sold as stock photos for businesses
  • A customer with other skills offering their services through websites like Upwork, translatorbase, etc.
  • A customer who has more than thousands of followers or subscribers on social media offers their popularity to a business entity and promote that business’ products to their followers or subscribers

From the examples above, we can simply define the key of building C2B marketing strategy as network, which means, consumers are now no longer a market, they are a network.


The business plays a big role in this particular transactional relationship. For example, a company may buy stock photos provided by customers that put their photo works on a website for the purpose of their business. The easiest way to understand this concept is that the business provides a website in which consumers sell their products or services on that website and the business owner will receive revenues or commission from a successful sale. You can consider Amazon, eBay, etc. as business entity that uses C2B marketing strategy.


Let’s say intermediary is the medium used by both businesses and individuals and connects the two. We can say that Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, or any modern website is the medium that can connect people for marketing strategies to take place. Also, websites that can link one buyer with many sellers like Amazon marketplace and eBay.

Another way to look at C2B marketing strategy is through connection and networking. Maybe you are familiar with celebrity or social media influencer’s endorsement, right? Yes, that may also be called C2B. Now with the rise of technology, it is not impossible that C2B will be the trend in the years to come. Want to know more about C2B marketing strategy for your business opportunity? Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.