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With the growth of technology development, people can search anything in search engine through voice search. Voice search is aimed to speed up the search process without the need of texting, so, as e-commerce entrepreneurs or SEO services which are familiar with search engine, they should adapt their techniques with this voice search. Below are some explanations and tips of voice search that every e-commerce and SEO engineer should know in order to optimize their web better.

What is Voice Search?

The number of people to communicate with spoken conversation through search engine is increasing, since people prefer to speak rather than using more traditional text online. Voice search enables people to interact with search engines for fast and effective information discovery through mobile devices and computers by using voice commands.

Spoken search is a new phenomenon in SEO but its existence is increasingly popular. However, the optimization tactics for text-based search apply to voice search and e-commerce sites. Typical content understanding actions include: having a Clear Purpose, the depth of information provided, a clear topic focus, term frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF).

Optimizing E-Commerce Sites for Voice

Although, Google hasn’t include voice filter types to the Search Analytics reporting, but you can still use search behavior increase your websites claim and authority for voice search, such as below:

On-site Search

Remember to use Google Analytics account to surmount all the problems related with search functionality, for example, when someone is struggling to find a product, brand, or service being provided, your Google analytics account captures all of this information. This information guides you to create content that will satisfy your users with better e-commerce experience, both by adding new services to the site or re-position content.

User Demographics

Knowing what product or service that your consumers are looking for is the main idea behind every business research. Therefore, it is important to disclosure what your customers are usually looking for and reflects their wants and needs in your content, from imagery and video to audio and text.

Speed of Delivery

The main point that makes voice search is preferable compared to text content is that voice search is faster in transferring message for people who are in immediate need. By understanding this reason, e-commerce entrepreneurs should have the ability to make informed buying decisions on the move; speed of content delivery is directly correlated to voice and e-commerce gains in order to achieve success.

Mobile friendliness

The last ingredients that every ecommerce entrepreneurs should understand is that making their site mobile friendly is necessary, whether through responsive design of the website, prioritization, delivery of content, size of buttons and more.

Hate it or love it, voice search soon will be going to increase in volume, ROI potential, and in user demands of e-commerce sites to cater for it. Therefore, learning how to apply it in your website is crucial. Bear in mind that there are more knowledge that e-commerce entrepreneurs should know despite of the 5 tips above that is why you cannot stop learning as e-commerce is such a dynamic world that can experience a lot of shifting and alteration in it process.