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SEO service is best known by its two efforts, on-page and off-page optimization. If you think that your on-page optimization is sufficient for your SEO campaign, it’s time to optimize your off-page optimization. In a SEO campaign off-page is as important as on-page optimization and there are many things that you should keep an eye for. Below are some things that you should know related with off-page optimization.

  • Link Audit

The importance of backlinks is still counted in terms of helping your page improve its search rankings. In fact, any updates, especially penguin update are exists to enforce the importance of backlinks. Therefore, doing any link audit and analyzing your backlink profile will be a good start for your link building campaign.

Check Your Current Profile

It is true that not all backlinks are good for your website, in fact there’s a good chance some of these links are actually doing more harm than good since your previous SEO consultants or agencies are probably using tactics that violate any Google’s guidelines.

Therefore, an audit is needed to spot any unwanted, harmful links. You can start by gathering a list of all the links pointing back to your domain and their sources and anchor text, and then evaluating them to determine which ones are helping and which links are hurting your SEO. To get more detail information about your backlinks, you can download it in Google Search Console.

  • Link Analysis

A healthy backlink will be categorized if it has a natural mix of exact match, partial match, branded, page title and generic. So, if there is unbalance between the fifth of it, for instance you profile have too much of the following anchor text:

  1. Exact match: the most common spam tactic of SEO is to put keyword exact match anchor text in irrelevant or gibberish content. However, a profile of nothing but exact match anchor text is going to look very unnatural to Google regardless of the content it’s in. Too much and you could wind up with a link penalty.
  2. Irrelevant anchor text: you can easily notify these kinds of anchor texts since it is irrelevant to your page content, for example are Viagra and other text related to casinos, gambling and payday loans.

Instead of doing a lot of exact match or irrelevant anchor text; you better build you link by having relevant page content, also linking to other high quality sites, using links within the text of the page, and are being hosted on quality domains.

  • Social Media Engagement

If you expect that being popular on social media will directly rank your website higher, you have been mistaken, since it isn’t going to make you rank any higher in SERPs but it doesn’t mean that we fully don’t need any social media engagement, there are several ways you can use your social media pages to help SEO:

  1. Since your social media pages are crawled and indexed, they can appear in branded search results. Keep users within your environment by keeping competitors off the first page.
  2. Even though links from social media don’t count for link juice, search engines still crawl and follow them. So, if you’ve got new pages, content or site, share those links on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Pinterest.
  3. Social media is a great place to build engagement and awareness which encourages others to reference you and link from related blog posts.


  1. Be determined when choosing your page type of business since your profile will be displayed in search results. Fill in your page’s sections as completely as you can using your brand name and most important keywords wherever you can
  2. As search engine usually crawls for title tag, you better write a small caption about your updates by using short and simple keywords on it.
  • Citations, Business Reviews & Commenting


Citations are very important for local SEO, in fact, having consistently NAP (name of business, address and phone number) citations is one of the strongest local ranking signals. If you haven’t had any consistent and correct NAP citations, you better fix them all. It may take a lot of time, but this thing is very important for your business.


Trust is the crucial thing in business and get lots of positive testimonial is one of the ways in building a good trust. Today with the proliferation of online business, 80% of shoppers trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation. So, make sure that you get good review from your selling.

Blog and Forum Comments

Blog and forum comments are also good media to promote your site. Use it to leave comments in discussions that are relevant and on topic to your website. If you answer questions and add value to conversations, you’ll establish your brand since you understand the knowledge of your niche. However, it is important to be remembered that one should include a link when it makes sense and avoid leaving comments all over the place that simply promote your website or business.

  • Document Sharing

Consider to upload vary of content, such as PDF’s, PowerPoint files, Image, and Video on SlideShare, Issuu or Scribd. These sites are great for when you have content that search engines can’t crawl, but you should treat it like it’s content for your own page. Therefore, doing keyword research to find a list of keyword to target is needed.