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For some people, SEO may seem too technical, therefore many people feel more comfortable to find SEO services manage the job for them. But, actually you can optimize your SEO by understanding the importance of building good SEO page titles and descriptions for your website. A page description is the visible text below the page title that further describes the content of that page. While page descriptions do not directly influence search engine results, they serve the same function as paid ads.

So, optimizing your page titles and description is one tactic within the reach of beginner SEOs. If you are interested in improving your online efforts, this tactic can be a good idea to be tried on by yourself as the results are highly relevant and targeted. Here are several simple steps that can simply teach you about how to create good SEO page titles and descriptions.

Perform Keyword Research

The first step after knowing what your business does is to figure out what terms are usually used by people to discover your business in search engine. By conducting a little research, you will get a list of term that you can incorporate in your page titles and descriptions to signal to search engines that you are relevant for searches related to those terms.

Then you need to divide the list into unique themes categories. For example, if you own a bag store, your list may contain everything from “Prada” to “organic bags”, so you may need to categorize them into a more specific group. Each of these groups could potentially be a separate page on your site, with a unique page title and description.

Use Existing Tools to Find the Insight You Need

Other steps that you should conduct after performing the keyword research tools are to discover what kind of traffic exists around these terms. There are several free and easy to use instruments that you can apply in order to find out information related to the amount of traffic comes to your web, such as, Google AdWords Keyword Tool, SEMrush, SpyFu, and etc. This discovery can help you identify which terms that work best for you.

Page Titles

There are several things that should be considered in order to create good page titles; one of them is that the character should be kept under 55 in order to appear properly in search results. The challenge is you have to reflect what is on your page within those short characters.  It should describe what you are and what you do, so make sure that the content on the page answers it all.

Page Descriptions

You can have a bit longer characters for page descriptions as it should keep at 155 characters for the same reason so that it can appear correctly in search result pages. This part is actually an extension of your page title and permits you to develop the message you are conveying. The important thing is that a page description should encourage people who read it to click it.