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As we have entered a new year, there are many people try to find out what SEO trends will be in 2016. If you are one of the people who work in SEO service, find out a little prediction about it will help you prepare yourself through bad times that may be happened in several months ahead or in case, there is no bad climate in the next month at least this prediction will help your rank get a higher place. Take a look and find out the 5 prediction of SEO in 2016.

#1: Data Will Reveal Google Organic Results To Have <70% CTR

After some years, Google gave bigger portions on organic results an only 15-20% for ads. However, for years now, Google becomes more aggressive with non-organic results (knowledge graph, various AdWords formats, instant answers, etc). In 2016, we will get better data and real results despite the search giant’s silence on the subject.

Another prediction is that, on average, across Google’s billions of daily searches, even accounting for searches that generate multiple clicks, less than 70% of searches result in at least one click on an organic result.

#2: Mobile Will Barely Cut In To Dekstop’s Usage And Its Growth Rate In Developed Countries Will Slow

If 2015 was predicted as the year of mobile, in 2016 growth rates for mobile will begin tapering off. Even though it is not be saying that we are in the mobile climax, but I am saying the growth rate has reached its apex and I think in 2016, the percentage growth numbers will fall.

Concurrently, after reaching the peak of desktop/laptop decline and I expect that in 2016, desktop usage rates will stay largely unchanged. In fact, everything that mobile was going to replace or take away from desktop use has been taken, and I’m skeptical that things like creative work, programming, long-form writing, computer gaming, and other tasks that big monitors and full keyboard+mouse inputs were made for can be successfully cannibalized by the screen that fits in our pockets.

#3: The death of Normal Distributions will Hit Both Publishing and Search Results Hard

In this year we are going to move away from a world of normal distributions in demand curves and towards a winner-take-all model. Moreover, the ”long tail” theory of digitization has been mostly proven false. As Google’s algorithms reward faster-loading, higher-engagement pages that don’t drive away visitors with interruptions and annoyances, Adblocking’s growth may play a part in that.

Therefore, there will be more consolidation in search results, with less unique domains in the top 10 rankings of search results.

#4: Content Marketing Software for The Non-Enterprise Will Finally Emerge

Several years ago, large enterprises and big content shops have been the sole beneficiaries of content marketing software that tracks performance, suggests improvements, helps with publishing, ideas, outreach, etc. But, I think 2016 will be the year that some of the SMB and mid-market players emerge. There are numerous players poised to take this market, two of them are:

  • Buzzsumo – To date, they’ve been the strongest performer of the bunch, but I’d categorize them primaril as a research tool (albeit an amazing one).
  • Kapost – Built for content creators to pitch and share ideas, manage the content publication process, and distribute effectively across channels, Kapost has been around for a few years, but continues to improve and gain market traction among their target B2B customers.

#5: The “big” trends for 2016: Wearables, VR, smart home, and Internet of Things will have almost no impact on the world of web marketing (yet)

It is predicted that it is going to be the year of wearable, virtual reality, smart home, Internet of Things, and personal transport. Even though, there may be a few niche opportunities, but there will be none of these new trends will create marketing advertising/platforms or potential in the $50mm+ range.

There you have it, the 5 predictions for 2016. Hope these predictions will help your SEO get through 2016 very well!