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Nobody can deny the effectiveness of content marketing as in digital world people mostly spend their time in front of PC or mobile phone. In fact, the advertisement strategy has changed a lot and therefore, content becomes necessary, the SEO and SEM services become popular these days. But the problem is for some people create a powerful content requires extra efforts as common method may seem too old-school to win audience attention. If you also stuck on this problem, you better read the point below to enhance your site’s performance.

1. Repurpose Your Post in an Infographic or a Short Video Post

Having a website full of content is quite dull and too common. Today, visual content is considered as more makes up since 93% of the content included in all human communication. Therefore, you can use info graphics and short videos to appeal your audience’s visual learning skills.

2. Create an Educational Resource

The main purpose of creating high quality content is that you are publishing something people will want to read and actually use. So, you can use your basic knowledge as a topic that you can share to other people. For example, if you are a car sales business, you could create a resource for new drivers with guides on how to choose a suitable first car and what insurance they will need.

3. Make the Most of Emails

Almost every day, every company will send out their emails, so it is quite impossible for your audience to check your blog every day, therefore, it will be better if you send them a link to your recent blog post with a little excerpt which will be easy for them to click it and come to your blog or you can try to send out an email newsletter once a week with a few snippets of your last few blog posts so it will give the readers a glimpse of your topic. In fact, email is 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined for acquiring new customers. So, subscribe more emails and engage with your content and trigger social media sharing.

4. Syndicate Your Content

Until today content syndicate has always invited pros and cons, but the effect will impact on your overall reach in terms of content promotion. If you syndicate your content with other sites, then every time you publish a post it will get re-distributed automatically. However, the problem is when Google consider the syndicated content as the original, and yours as a copy which will result in potential negative SEO since the second version of your blog post can appear in Google search result instead of the one you created for your site. To avoid this thing, you can use the “Fetch as Google” feature in webmaster tools to ensure that Google gives you the credit for your content.

5. Get 2000+ Page Views from SlideShare

SlideShare is the biggest website for creating presentations and an underused platform by marketers. It gets 50+ million unique visitors every month. Moreover, the SlideShare team promotes good presentation themselves. They do this on their social media accounts and their homepage, so wait no more to get started with SlideShare.