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These days, through website development, a website can bring in a lot of additional revenue to a business,  however, this idea has not been comprehended by all people yet, as according to statistics that 47 percent of small business owners still weren’t using websites and social media because they didn’t feel it was relevant or important to their business.

This statistic shows us that small business still think that having a website for their business is unimportant, however, this is flawed thinking, and hence why we want to outline these benefits of having one in the first place.  If you have a small business, then this is for you.

1.    Your invisible business will exist

What is meant by being invisible is not like you are trying to make it so, but you do not realize that there are already many potential  customers looking for your product online. Through online websites, they can do a bit research about your product, before finally deciding to buy it from you offline. Through a web presence, your website can enter people’s thought unintentionally, as it appears in queries when they search something related in search engine.

2.    Widen your promotion through rank in search engine

Optimization basics help control where your sites will be showed in the queries.  If your website ranks well, your website may come in the first of queries as people search it in search engine. This broadens your chance to grab prospective buyer’s attention to your web. This is called Search Engine Optimisation, and is as important as having a web presence in the first place.

 3.      Having another sales tool

Use your website and turn it into a powerful sales tool to allow you get your customer’s attention. It is intended as a space for you to put advertisement, soft copy of your products catalog and give customers important buying information.  You already pay for the space, so use it to give as much information to your clients as you can.

4.    They can review your product 24 hours

In traditional face to face markets, the time you market your product will be limited, while through online marketing, your shop may be seen 24 hours, 7 days a week. It is very helpful, since not all people can buy or find what they need when only your shop is open. Having a website gives other people unlimited time to find what they need online.

5.    Collecting more email list

Provide a website that people can trust gives you the opportunity to start a mailing list. Some of your customers want to keep in touch and be updated, so use it to collect the emails of potential repeat customers. This list may be one of your strongest sales tools by utilizing it through email subscribers. Knowing the value of your subscribers is a strong motivation to keep building your list, since you will see firsthand how much revenue it is generating.

In conclusion, a small business should do much more to focus on the possibilities of online marketing and lead generation.  Find the right people to help you, get involved in digital marketing and building a website and an online presence. The big companies are doing it, and so should you.