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Online shopping is popular because of the convenience it offers. Recently, new ways to save money while shopping online have grown tremendously in popularity. Shoppers have traditionally shopped through a retailer, filled an online shopping cart and then paid. Another way is to shop through an online auction site and bid against other shoppers for items. The best online shopping websites create an online experience that makes visitors fall in love with their products. The shopping experiences are emotional, guided, and clearly encourage visitors to add a product to their cart.

This guide will highlight some key features of what makes a good online shopping site. We have developed many online shopping sites, so hopefully our experience can help you with your planning.

1.      Identify the products are you looking for.

The website provide multiple ways of finding products. This means the shoppers can find product easily by promotion of important products and also for the website to provide a search facility.

2.      Get more information  and read the detail about the product.

The website gives detail information about the product are you looking for. For example name of product, the price, dimensions, materials, function of product and additional features included with that product. Make your shopper happy by giving them answers to questions they might want to know. Why waste their time looking on the internet for alternative places if you can give them everything in one spot.

3.      The shopping basket should be easy to use.

You can see the items in your basket at any time, the shoppers can keep track of items they want to buy. Often, websites hide this important feature, and people get lost.  You want to give good feedback to the customer on what they need to do next. Some websites make the mistake of having a shopping cart when it’s not really needed. If the profile of the general customer is for them to buy just one product, then trying to cross sell them in this way can actually lose sales.

4.      The website provides alternative ways to buy.

The website can server several alternative ways to order products. Sometimes the shoppers really do need more information, or if they feel that they don’t have all the answers to make an order, then providing them with an alternative way to shop can help get them through the whole process. This of course depends on the level of customer service you are willing to support as part of your shop.

5.      Don’t get ahead of yourself

A majority of online shopping checkouts jump the gun by asking customers to fill in their billing information first, even before they are asked for their shipping information or preferred shipping method.

Though billing information is most important to retailers for collecting payment, shipping information and method are more important to customers. Customers care about when and where they will be receiving their product and want to know those details before providing payment details. By aligning with your customers’ priorities, you can make them feel their needs are the most important.

We hope you enjoyed this mini guide on some of our experiences. Watch out for further tips on this topic.