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In a world where having an online presence is essential for businesses, entrepreneurs are figuring out how to grab their audience through their websites. Having a great website design is the best approach to get visitors to your website.

Because web design trends change often, no website design should be used for more than a few years. People hunt for popular website design components to incorporate into their websites as a result.

There are several designs that have caught internet users’ interest in the year 2022. We’ll provide our top 10 recommendations for website design trends for 2023 in today’s article.


Inclusive Visuals

The inclusive visuals movement affects many parts of today’s society and goes beyond graphic design. In essence, it includes displaying humanity and its diversity in a variety of settings, featuring individuals from diverse origins, ethnicities, and talents. It could cover topics including accessibility, age, financial position, location, language, race, and more.


It has long been shown that storytelling is a powerful marketing strategy. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that website designers are using narrative in their website designs. Web designers construct a linear design, sometimes referred to as Scrollytelling, that sets off a series of animated words and multimedia elements. This style of website design leads users down a route that conveys a message.

Scrollytelling is a popular layout for the About Us and Our History pages. This is so because these pages frequently describe the history of the founding of the organisation in question and its key moments.

But as of 2023, the homepage features this website design trend. Nowadays, websites use Scrollytelling to communicate their brand’s message. Some even display many tale pathways, allowing visitors to experience a more individualised story path that offers the solutions to their questions.

Branded Memes

It’s no wonder that memes have seized social media by storm. They are well-liked because they frequently make us chuckle—which, for you marketers reading this, equals engagement! Today, many memes are circulated constantly on social media platforms. Some of these memes also have a propensity to get more attention than others, and some of them spread fast. Companies are utilising this trend to increase engagement, broaden their audience, and connect with more potential clients.

Animated Text 

In fact, in 2023, animated text designs will be widely used in website design. They may be divided into three categories: entrance, emphasis, and exit animations. Even if these animation styles have previously been employed often, they are now essential to website design.

Apart from simple animations, animated word designs are now included in many other ways. On some website designs, the text can transform into another type of text or even an image. On commercial websites, some designers even employ the text conveyor that is frequently seen on news and finance websites. Many websites take it a step further by making the letters spin around or follow a predetermined course.

3D Graphics

3D graphics will continue to be a prominent trend as we move further into the metaverse. Industries will continue to develop in response to the rising demand for virtual reality experiences and images that captivate viewers as realistic. In addition to using shadows and contours to create depth, contemporary 3D backgrounds are also employed in other ways. They also incorporate motion and texture, which improves the scene’s realism.

Contrast Colors

Colors are an important component of website design, so it seems sense that they would be one of the first things to be considered. The majority of websites would use complementing colours for their website design. However, the prefered colour scheme for website design in 2023 is contrast.

In print media, contrast colours have been popular since the late 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s. Because of its vibrant colours, this outdated design has become the new standard for websites. The website’s design aims for vivid hues that will help the content stand out against the background. Neon colours, forms with many borders, and stark contrasts are also incorporated.

Graphics with Motion

In a survey published in 2022 by 99 Firms, it was predicted that 73% of marketers will create product explainers. Newsflash! If you’re one of those 73%, motion graphics and animated graphics are essential components. Motion graphics have gained popularity because users are more likely to pay attention to a video than to a written article or static image. More traffic, engaged leads in your pipeline, and greater conversion rates are anticipated as a result of these scroll stoppers.

Hover Content

The hover content is another style of website design that has become highly popular. This design shows when the cursor hovers over an object and a pop-up box with further details about the item emerges.

This is most frequently discovered on websites with a list of goods and services. The layout of this website avoids packing too much text onto a single page. Additionally, it provides the readers with the information they want at a glance without requiring them to click on the item.

The hover content can also provide graphic information in addition to text-based information. Additionally, this website’s layout makes it easy for users to sift through the content visually.

Unique Illustrations

By 2023, custom illustrations will continue to be in high demand. These hand-made bespoke graphics provide a brand personality and are frequently used to produce animated images. User engagement may be raised, empathy can be developed, and a distinctive brand experience can be produced by including drawn characters into a creative plan. In light of this, generating graphics with the proper planning enhances user experience while also assisting you in telling the narrative of your brand and products, leading to increased engagement and conversion rates.

Typography Hero Section

When a website page loads, the hero section is the first thing users view. Every website designer therefore carefully plans out this part since it has the power to capture or lose the interest of the visitors. The usage of typography in the hero section is demonstrated by 2023’s website design trends. The hero section still mostly uses graphics even though text has been available there for a while. Most of the time, the text serves only to enhance the hero section’s visual.

However, in 2023, the text is the main part of the hero section. This is the reason the typeface on this website has been made to stand out. Typically, they employ a simple backdrop with a solid colour so the text will stand out in the design. Text animations are frequently used by designers to draw attention to the typographic hero section. Some people limit their typography to a single line, while others utilise diverse layouts to give their text a more distinctive look.