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In the beginning of a new web development project, every Melbourne web designer/developer or team of developers have to choose which front-end framework and library to use. It is undeniable that JavaScript is the backbone of web apps, but still, most software developers are in a dilemma about which front-end framework suit their next big project perfectly.

React, Vue and Angular are the most popular frameworks in 2020 and they are commonly debated among developers. In order to help you decide which framework suit your project, we had listed several key points to consider.


For a frontend application, performance is one of the most important aspects to be considered. When it comes to evaluate performance between Angular, React and Vue, we have to keep in mind that DOM is considered as the UI of any application. React and Angular update their HTML files in contrasting way, but Vue has the best of both React and Angular frameworks. Let’s get deep into Angular vs React vs Vue comparison:


Angular uses real DOM. If you’re building single-page-applications where content is occasionally updated, Angular is the preferable choice. Secondly, Angular uses a Two-Way Data binding process that replicates all the changes made in the Model into the views in a secure, efficient and intuitive way. But on the downside, Its performance will slow down when you translate your project into heavy applications at least when compared to React and Vue.


While Angular uses real DOM, React uses the Virtual DOM which enhances the performance of applications which need routine content updates. React also based on single-direction data flow. This will give developers better control over the entire project. As React change constantly, developers need to update their skills regularly in order to stay up-to-date.


Vue is the most recent JS framework and developed with incredible features to overcome the hindrances of both Angular and React. It adopts the good things from React and Angular; therefore, it utilizes virtual DOM to deliver high performance and memory allocation. But, Vue has the smallest community support compared to React and Angular due to its young age.


Migrating from one version to another sometimes can be troublesome for developers. In our opinion, simple and quick migration mechanism become an important factor when choosing framework. Let’s dig deeper to each framework migration process.


Most of the time, Angular releases major updates one in every six months. Also, there is a period of another six months before any major APIs are deprecated. It means, developers have 12 months to make necessary changes.


When compared to Angular and Vue, React’s version upgrades generally far more accessible. The scripts like React codemod ensure you seamless migration from one version to another and provide stability.


Vue has the smartest migration among the other options. You just need to use a migration helper tool to make changes in the site as 90% of APIs remain the same if you choose to migrate from 1.x to 2.

Learning Curve

The learning curve of any framework is not just limited to coding but also involve how easy it is to conduct debugging and testing. Especially when doing a massive project with a significant amount of code.

On one side, Angular and React call for a deep level of JS knowledge and experience to hand decision making regarding third-party libraries. On the other side, Vue has the most straightforward learning curve when compared to Angular and React.

Still, most developers prefer to use React as it enables you to build an application in the latest modern ways, unlike Vue that still adhere to the old-fashioned JS web application development style.

Framework Size

Angular (approximately 500 KB)

Angular huge size comes with a wide range of features. Those features allow developers to do various thing from using templates to testing utilities. With this advantage, Angular is the ideal choice if you are considering developing a large-scale feature-rich application.

React (approximately 100 KB size)

Differ from Angular, React does not provide you a big spectrum of libraries like Angular does. Therefore, React is more suitable for modern web development.

Vue (approximately 80 Kb size)

Vue is the smallest, which means it has the smallest libraries. This size make Vue an ideal option for lightweight web development and single-page applications.

Deployment Speed


The speed of configuration depends on the number of libraries that are accessible by the developer. So, in conclusion developing a web application is faster and easier in Angular than React. But React’s architecture is more straightforward to scale than Angular.


Angular has a broad framework that can handle everything from project creation to code optimization. This make Angular the most challenging framework for the overall deployment. However, developers can use a fully optimized bundled app to deploy to any static host by using a single command.


Without the same broad framework as Angular, React makes that tradeoff with flexibility. With React, you can mix and match any library, such as Create React App and Next.js.


Vue’s pre-coding structure enables you to quickly deploy the application without compromising with the performance of the application. This feature makes Vue an ideal option for startups.

In conclusion, each framework has its own unique function and ability. Angular is a complete package that offers you all the tools you need, whereas React is a flexible library but it requires the support of other libraries. Meanwhile, Vue is the mix package of Angular and React, that adds speed, efficiency, and simplicity to web app development. To make sure which framework able to give you the best result, we suggest you do your own research before making any decision.