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Businesses’ social media page not only serve as product catalogue but also perfect place to build relationship with consumers. Like other healthy relationship, business-consumer relationship should based on two-way communication. To achieve that, engaging social media campaign is needed. Designing high engagement campaign is no easy task. Social media marketer colleague had prepared a guideline that will help you to get started.

First, analyze your current engagement rate. Most social media apps have their own native analytics that show your page’s engagement rate. Evaluate both bad posts and great posts. What went wrong on the bad post? Caption? Hashtags? The picture? Compare it to the great one. Find the pattern. It might take extra effort but once you find the perfect formula, you don’t have to worry anymore.

Second, define your goal and metrics. Each social media campaign should be directed to a achieve one goal. Either to reach more people, getting feedback from audience, giving out important information, etc. Choose one goal and stick with it through out the whole campaign. Breakdown that one goal to several metrics. For example, you want to increase brand awareness. Your metrics could be number of new followers, engagement rate, and likes. It is important to have exact number, so you could track your campaign’s progress and evaluate at the end.

Third, get to know your audience. When doing research on audience, most people did not dig deep enough. Don’t just stop at demographic data. Find out what your audience want, what do they do on their free time, what motivate them to purchase something. With those chunks of information, you could create campaign that answer their needs.

Finally, design content that sparks conversation. You could ask your audience opinion about trending issues. Don’t be shy to feature trending phenomena. It will help you to easily connect with audience, especially new one. Create polls or games. For example, you could play game about TV show and ask your audience to name their favorite TV show on the comment section. Then give away your product to the selected winner.

Don’t be afraid to try crazy out of the box idea, get creative. Your audience may like it!